Elephant Idol Brass/Pital Elephant Statue (हाथी मूर्ति पीतल): Placing brass elephants in the meeting room brings peace and prosperity to the workplace. In addition, it also works to give success in every sphere of life. According to Vastu principles, elephant statues made of certain materials are believed to bring different types of energy into a space. Elephant Idol Brass are important in Hindu mythology and are often used as decorative objects because they represent strength, dignity and majesty. Avatar Ganesha gives blessings and helps remove obstacles. There is a tradition of associating the Buddha with elephants. If you have an elephant with you, there will be fewer of them in your way.
The beautiful elephant chariot of Indra and Lakshmi symbolizes omniscience and the king’s authority. Both Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra recognize the importance of elephant statues. In Feng Shui, elephants represent strength, knowledge, wealth and fertility. Elephant Idol Brass are often people use to bring good luck to the home. Here’s how to add elephant statues or pictures to your home based on Vastu principles for best results. Large paintings one can find all over the house according to Vastu.
For instance, you can put Pital Elephant Statue on the door, bedroom, study and other places like pictures, paintings and pillows. Moreover, as per example, placing a Elephant Idol Brass in your office or study can promote harmony and attract wealth. In some cultures, such an elephant is a talisman of success, enlightenment and justice. However, the practice of Vastu and Feng Shui focuses on arranging things in a way that promotes energetic harmony. For example, displaying an elephant sculpture at the door of your house can beautify the area.
Elephant Idol Brass Benefits:
Since the elephant is revered as a protector and savior, displaying the statue at the main entrance is said to bring good luck to residents. If you have a wide front door, you can get a few nosed elephants from home. A statue of Gajalakshmi can be placed in the eastern corner of the house or on the door. You can point it outside your home to protect it from damage or negative energy. A statue of an elephant with its back to the door in the foyer or entrance is said to bring success. Turning the elephant’s head into the house is a sign of banishing evil spirits.
Elephant Idol Brass Details:
Weight: 0.066 gm Approx.
Size: “2” x “1” Inch
Color: Yellow
Metal: Brass
Product Types: Idol
Shipping: Lakshmi Beej Mantra
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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