Nikhil Gurudev Frame/Gurudev Picture Frame (निखिल गुरुदेव चित्र): In Guru culture, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali is a profound spiritual Guru of the 20th century. He restored the lost spiritual science that was once the true cultural heritage of India and brought hidden subjects such as mantra, tantra, palmistry, Jyotish, ayurveda, hypnosis, kriya yoga, solar science, and alchemy within reach of the common world. Throughout his life, he rebelled against the wrong practices prevalent in these industries and worked with great integrity to remove misconceptions about Mantra and Tantra from people’s minds. (Nikhil Gurudev Frame) He presented the importance of tantra for beautifying one’s life and for forming a healthy, constructive society. (Gurudev Picture Frame)
Legend of Nikhil Gurudev Frame:
Gurudeva Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali has revived the Guru-Shishya tradition working in the pace of modern life. And has helped millions overcome complex problems through his spiritual knowledge and power. Today, the greatest progress of Indian society one can observe in the field of mantra, tantra, Jyotish, palmistry, karma Kanda, yoga, and Ayurveda. He is owed so much. His marriage took place at a very early age to Bhagwati Devi and when he was 12. As per Nikhil Gurudev Frame he embarked on an arduous journey to gain knowledge of ancient Indian science. He lived an ascetic life during his enlightenment in the Himalayas for 2 decades. (Nikhil Gurudev Frame)
For instance, In ascetic form, Gurudeva was famous as Paramania Swami Nikhileshwarand. He was a yogi who, in a short span of time, attained great heights in mantra and tantra sadhana. Moreover, thereby gaining spiritual leadership among Himalayan yogis. The courage, determination, perseverance, and strength he displayed in his quest for ancient Indian knowledge were immense. The love and devotion he expressed towards all his gurus epitomized the most ideal verses of the Sishyopanishad. These shown characteristics eventually made him one of the best disciples of Paramhansa Swami Sachidananda.
Nikhil Gurudev Frame Details:
Size: 7 x 5 Inch
Weight: 179 gram
Metal: Epoxy
Product Type: Puja Photo Frame
Energized: Guru Mantra
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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