Five Mukhi Rudraksha Bead/Panch Mukhi Shiv Rudraksha (पञ्चमुखी रुद्राक्ष) : There is no suspicion about the fact that the wearer of Five Mukhi Rudraksha Bead never gets untimely death. A mala of five Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is also worn. It keeps the blood pressure normal and the fear of untimely death disappears. If three beads of Panch Mukhi Shiv Rudraksha are dipped overnight in water in a glass and the water drank in the morning on empty stomach, then the person gets free from blood pressure and related illnesses. This Rudraksha provides all types of Bhoga(leisure and comforts) to the wearer of this Rudraksha.
Five Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is equivalently auspicious & suitable to Sadhu (saint) and Grihasta (family man). Thousands of enemies have to kneel down in front of the wearer of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead; it is said by Dattatreya Maharaj in the meditation of Lord Shiva. The legend behind Rudraksha, as already explained, the expression ‘Rudraksha’ means the “eyes” of lord Shiva and is so named in his honor. Shiva Purana owes the Rudraksha origin to lord Shiva’s tears. Folklore has it, that lord Shiva had been meditating for many years for the welfare of all creatures.
On opening the eyes, warm and affectionate tears rolled his eyes and feel on mother earth. The places where his tears fell gave birth to Rudraksha trees. Since time immemorial Rudraksha beads have had been worn by mankind for good health, spiritual realization through Japa and Shakti (power) and for a gallant life. Saints and sages wandering in the Himalayas bear testimony to this. They lead a healthy, fearless and content life by wearing Rudraksha Mala.
How to wear Five Mukhi Rudraksha Bead:
Panch Mukhi Shiv Rudraksha is the form of lord Shiva. This is easily available in the market; also this Rudraksha is the cheapest Rudraksha among all the Rudraksha. It gives best results, by wearing this one gets mental peace, he leads a cheerful life, concentration level increases, enemies are destroyed, the one who wears this rudraksha has not to fear from the snakes, scorpion or poisonous animals..Read More..
Five Mukhi Rudraksha Bead Benefits:
Panch Mukhi Shiv Rudraksha controls five elements i.e. Agni (fire), Jal ( water), Vaayu (Air), Aakash( sky), Prithvi( Earth) in the body of the wearer therefore kills all diseases in all the weathers. This Rudraksha is to be worn on Thursday after Sidhdhi.
5 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Five Pandava. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhdhi (method of purification & charging with Mantra) will extraordinary in all field i.e. Intelligence, strength, business, money, devotion to Shiva, beauty, smell, touch, words, devotion to parents wife sons, truthful, love etc.
Rudraksha keep the wearer always on the path of Truth and makes him wealthy.
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Five Mukhi Rudraksha Bead Details:
Weight: 3g
Size: 2 x 2 x 2
Rudraksh Face: 5 Mukhi Rudraksh
Shape: Round Shape
Color: Dark Brown
Origin: Nepal
Energized: Rudra Main Mantra
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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