8 Safed Puja Cowrie/8 Safed Puja Shell (8 सफ़ेद पूजा कौड़ी): The white cowry represents Goddess Laxmi – the goddess of wealth. So his possession of 8 Safed Puja Shell is very good for wealth. It brings financial prosperity. He blesses the believer with money and prosperity by bringing new avenues and sources of income and wealth. 8 Safed Puja Shell also provides the benefits of the planet Jupiter, which is also very important for achieving wealth and prosperity. 8 Safed Puja Cowrie helps in accumulating savings and controlling unnecessary expenses. It is also suitable for people who are unable to save.
It is believed to bring good luck, especially in spiritual and tantric rituals.is also useful for chanting mantras. According to Hindu mythology, says that during the Samudra Manthan, many things spewed out as by-products. It is a fact that when Goddess Lakshmi emerged from the ocean during the churning, Eight Puja Kodi accompanied her. Goddess Lakshmi is the deity of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Moreover, as per our ancient text, Kaudi’s association with the first manifestation of the goddess makes Cowrie holy and auspicious. Besides, being beloved of Goddess Lakshmi.
Not to mention, the innovative trendy 8 Safed Puja Cowrie jewelry and accessories people wear even now. Considering the benefits of these shells, the ancient people incorporated Kauri shells into clothing in the old days. In different parts of the world, Cowrie people use for various things. However, Cowrie divination was useful for predictions by casting a set of Cowrie shells, this practice also exists in India.
8 Safed Puja Cowrie Benefits:
When choosing Cowry shells, it is important to check that they are not defective or have cracks, otherwise, they will not serve their purpose.
Seashells are nature’s natural tools, and like the water they come from, they bring an influx of auspicious and positive energies.
In some places people used cowrie to protect children from evil and negative energies.
8 Safed Puja Cowrie Details:
Weight: 0.002 kg Approx.
Size: 1 Inch Approx
Colour: White
Quantity: 8 Piece
Energized: Lakshmi Beej Mantra
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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