Lakshmi Cowrie/Laxmi Puja Cowri (लक्ष्मी कौड़ी): Cowry or cowries is a general name for a group of small to large marine gastropods, marine gastropods from the family Cypraeid, and cowries. Lakshmi Cowrie is the shell most commonly used by people worldwide as shell money. One of mankind’s most important tasks since we began to think and reason has been to discover the elixir and giver of life, Laxmi Puja Cowri, or what is sometimes called the Philosopher’s Stone. In my own search for this mysterious piece of stone and magical elixir spoken of by our ancient ancestors, we came across the immortal shell of a philosopher known as “Lakshmi Cowrie”.
The mystical Lakshmi Cowrie is small, white, and shiny, reminiscent of the female life-giving organ, which is a fertility-enhancing and life-giving amulet. A beautiful seashell, considered by many ancient cultures to be an amulet that gives vitality to life and extends their lives to immortality. In ancient medical treatises, these shells often people cited as one of the best cures for many ailments. Moreover, long before we had the mighty paper dollar with the all-seeing eye emblazoned on the back. However, the Lakshmi Cowrie people used it as money. Besides, a form of currency for thousands if not tens of thousands of years.
Seashells are one such item that invites a good mood into your home or workplace. People vacationing at the coast inevitably pick up shells from the beach. Thereafter, they haphazardly spread around the house, unaware of their powers. Well, in Fengshui seashells are full of luck. Because of its association with the sea, which connects faraway places, seashells increase luck on travels. Besides, strengthening long-distance relationships.
Lakshmi Cowrie also provide stress relief and offer a protective shield. Lakshmi Cowrie signifies good communication, positive and healthy relationships, and prosperity. However, Fengshui puts a lot of emphasis on direction. In that direction, any object people hold to get the right kind of benefits. To strengthen marital relations, one should place seashells in the southwest corner of the bedroom. That helps bring the couple closer and also strengthens the relationship.
Lakshmi Cowrie Providential Result:
Cowries became symbols of wealth, all-around development, and love. Since ancient times, the mere possession of a properly charged Lakshmi Cowrie brings financial prosperity and all-around materialistic growth. For best results, Lakshmi Cowrie one should properly charge and sanctify to keep in offices, home chest, etc.
Lakshmi Cowrie Details:
Weight: 0.011 kg Approx.
Size: “1” x “1.5” x cm
Color: White & Yellow
Energized: Lakshmi Beej Mantra
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Piyush mittal –
laxmi puja cory hai??