Lakshmi Cowry/Laxmi Puja Cowry (लक्ष्मी कौड़ी): Many things are used in astrology. One such thing is Cowry. It comes from the sea and is also suitable for decorations. It is also used to raise money. According to religious texts, Lakshmi originates from the sea and Cowry also emerges from the sea. Therefore, there is a natural attraction to money in Cowry. In addition, the Tantra Shastra was related to mother Lakshmi according to the scriptural system. With these measures of Lakshmi Cowry, one can overcome the lack of money and achieve happiness in the home.
Laxmi Puja Cowry has special significance in Mahalakshmi Pooja. This Cowry represents Kubera. In ancient times, cowry was popular as currency. In fact, Cowries were also born from water as Mother Lakshmi. If you keep a Cowry in a vehicle, it is a belief that the owner of the vehicle will gain wealth and prosperity through the vehicle and also avoid a vehicle accident. Getting Laksmi Cowry on the road is very auspicious. Keeping such joints in the house increases prosperity.
For instance, Lakshmi Cowry one should use after cleansing with Shri Hanuman Vermilion. If you want to ward off the evil eye, wear a yellow Cowry around your neck as an amulet. You will not allow any evil eye to touch you. They are using Laxmi Puja Cowry set for calculation purposes. And it is a set of 108 cowries that are in use in determining Arudhaa along with some special cowries or other artifacts (like stones or gems) which people used to indicate the 9 planets, Lagnas, etc. shown in the Rashi Chakra (Zodiac) drawn in front of the astrologer in Rashi Palak.
Lakshmi Cowry Benefits:
If you keep 8 yellow-colored Cowries in green clothes on the north side of your house in the month of Sawan, then Kuber will be happy and let you become rich.
Lakshmi Cowry people do not use it in a mysterious way as it might seem, but with a really well-defined practical purpose that is logical and interesting to understand.
Lakshmi Cowry Details:
Weight: 0.012 kg Approx.
Size: “1” x “1.5” cm
Color: Yellow Shade
Energized: Lakshmi Beej Mantra
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Neelam –