What is Reiki Advance Pyramid?
Reiki Advance Pyramid has a design as a new revolutionary pyramid to overcome the difficulties we face. This unique pyramid works automatically day and night after being programmed by the Reiki Master, without the personal attention and presence of the Master. This device enables us to spend less qualitative time on each individual and also helps us to stay in touch with him from a distance. The master can also easily change the program from time to time, even from a distance.
This energy and spirituality act as energy healers and bring physical well-being. Jiten Reiki Pyramid-Advance has a design on the power of pyramids. In this pyramid, we energize and program Reiki Masters and Grandmasters. First, the thing that satisfied me the most was the guidebook given with the kit. Reiki is a Japanese word that means ‘universal life energy’. Every living and non-living body radiates it. In Reiki, the ultimate source of this life energy is the universal energy of the universe.
Benefits of Reiki Advance Pyramid:
- This Pyramid is a breakthrough in this healing science.
- Furthermore, this pyramid is an energy-healing pyramid with a built-in interconnection and crystal grid.
- These are unique spiritual healing tools that enhance your energy and uplift your spirituality.
- Above all, this pyramid gives you easy access to strong Pyra energy because of the support of millions of Pyra Net users globally.
- Also, it solves problems related to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Why from us?
- Astro Mantra provides a genuine Jiten Reiki Pyramid-Advance at a moderate cost for the proper result.
- We supply the materials as per the needs of the buyers and at moderate prices.
- Moreover, timely delivery to your doorstep.
- We assure you of the genuine product.
Reiki Advance Pyramid Details:
Color: Multicolor
Material: Plastic
Size: 15 x 15 x 17 cm
Weight: 450 gm Approx.
Pyramid Type: Reiki Pyramids
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Anupriya –