Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra/Siddh Vyapar-Vriddhi Yantra (व्यापार वृद्धि यंत्र): Yantra can be define as visual mantras which have been uses since the days of Yajur Veda and Brahmanical Text to remove the malefic effects of certain evil forces and to strengthen the positive forces. The Siddh Vyapar-Vriddhi Yantra is considers one of the most auspicious yantra for the combines worship of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi. Lord Ganesha is the God of Success in all ventures and undertakings. Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. According to the scriptures, all pleasures of the world are attain only by the grace of Mahalakshmi. Without the grace of Mahalakshmi, nothing is achieves in life, no matter how hard work one do, nothing can be receives by labor.
It is measure as a most powerful yantra for the growth of the business. This yantra works well to increase the inflow of money for a business person, trader. In order to climb the success ladder and to attract wealth and profit in business. You can install the Siddh Vyapar-Vriddhi Yantra in house, office or even wear it as an ornament. You can also install this powerful Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra for attracting success and abundance while safeguarding yourself from adversities. This yantra needs to be establish in office, shop, showroom, factory or any other place of work. The Yantra radiates positive vibes leading to the higher growth of the business by way of increase in cash flow.
This Yantra removes all kind of negative energy from the premises and paves way for progressive forces to work effectively. There are many forms of Bhagawati Lakshmi. In all these forms, the form of Lakshmi is the best of all. Because as many Kuberpati is made in life, goddess Lakshmi has been special to them. Without any help of Lakshmi, there is no Kuberpati in life. To make himself Kuberpati, he should establish Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra to promote his business. By the way, there are many instruments of business growth, they are easily acquires in the market. But because they are not energize, and non energized Yantra does not give any benefit, but breaks your hope further.
According to “Mantra Mahodadhi”, sudden form of this yantra is creates by the number of points. This device contains the presence of Swarnavati Lakshmi. On the eclipse, Kaalratri at a proven Muhurt is energize by the proven teachers and sages of AstroMantra.com. This Yantra Pendant is uses more by business people, because with this device. Money is gains in all respects, thereby improving trade. The Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra is one of the important instruments, which not only benefits by money. But also provides the glory, honour, kirti, land, prosperity in life. This is the source of fulfilling all desires of worldly life.
How to use Vyapaar Vriddhi Yantra?
By obtaining the Siddh Vyapar-Vriddhi Yantra, on a Friday, after bathing etc. Between 5.00am and 10.00am, in the temple of the house, shop, put the Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra on a red clothe, establish Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra. After burning the ghee lamp, one should wish to get the money, and then chant the following mantra 8 times and offer 8 lotus flowers on the yantra. By doing this, this Yantra becomes fully enlightened with your energy, and then you can use this device. Siddh Vyapar-Vriddhi Yantra is duly energized and sanctified by the expert Pundits and Sages of astromantra.com by chanting Beej mantras for instant effect.
Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra Advantages:
This Siddh Vyapar-Vriddhi Yantra is the best instrument for speedy advancement in business. In order to eradicate poverty, increasing the Yantra Pendant around the neck will provide money from all directions in life. Having a this yantra installs in the temple of the house leads to happiness in the house. By establishing this yantra at the main entrance of the house, the negative energy of the house is destroy. There is no obstruction of the magic system at home, if it is kept, then it is destroys soon.
By establishing a Siddh Vyapar-Vriddhi Yantra in the shop, continuous increase in the flow of funds prevails in the shop, and the increase in savings. The yantra should be kept by the traders in place of worship and locker where cash is kept. If possible, the lamp of ghee must be burnt. However, the exact time of worshiping a yantra is considers as the night of Deepawali and Navratri.
।। Om Hreem Ashtlakshmye Namah ।।
Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra Details:
Size: “4” x “4” Inch – 36 gm, “6” x “6” Inch – 80 gm Approx.
Metal: Gold Plated Yantra
Yantra Types: Puja Yantra
Energized: Lakshmi Beej Mantra
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Murli Sharma –
Effective yantra for all purposes.