Rudraksha Beads | रुद्राक्ष महत्त्व
Rudraksha Beads/Rudraksh Mala (रुद्राक्ष महत्त्व): The term “Rudraksha” itself symbolizes Lord Shiva. “Rudra (रुद्रा)” stands for Lord Shiva and “Aksha (अक्ष)” are Shiva’s tears. Lord Shiva is the first ardent user and admirer of the Rudraksha. Later on, devotees and sages began using Rudraksha as Shiva’s blessing to gain health, self-empowerment and a fearless life on their path to Enlightenment and Liberation.
With the development of modern science, many scientists have carried research for evidence to support the ancient beliefs about the Rudraksha Beads (Rudraksh Mala). Their findings and research has validated and confirmed the divine power of Rudraksha Beads (Rudraksh Mala). Individuals from every walk of life irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nationality or gender can use the divine Rudraksha Beads to attain maximum spiritual, physical and material benefits (Rudraksh Mala).
Rudraksha Beads Range:
Rudraksha Beads range from 1 Mukhi to 21 Mukhi, each bead capable of aligning our mind and the energy around us to specific outcomes in health, happiness, spiritual upliftment, prosperity, creativity, intuitive ability, material fulfilment, family harmony, attraction, self- empowerment and a fearless life.
Since ancient times, gemstones are believed to possess extraordinary spiritual and healing powers that affect the human mind and body, even influencing our fate and the course of our lives! In ancient India, a number of Sanskrit texts have been written on gemstones. (Rudraksh Mala)
“Graha-Gochara(ग्रह-गोचर) Jyotish”, the “Garuda Purana(गरुड़ पुराण)”, the “Brihat Samhita(बृहत् संहिता)”, the “Agni Purana(अग्नि पुराण)” are some of the texts dealing with planetary gemmology.
Rudraksha Beads (Rudraksh Mala), Lord Shiva’s gift to human beings, have medicinal and healing properties. Because of this, it protects the wearer of the bead from several diseases. These beads are used in Ayurveda for curing diseases. (Rudraksh Mala)
Rudraksha Beads Therapy is also been proved as more effective than magnetic therapy. The different faced Rudraksha beads are governed by different planets in the Universe and therefore can be worn as remedy for to evade malefic effects of Planets and for maintaining good health.
Vedic scriptures affirm that the yogis, saints, sages of the ancient, medieval and modern India have had Rudraksha beads on their bodies. Rudraksha Beads (Rudraksh Mala) are regarded as the timeless jewels of the gods and find mention in ancient Puranas and Upanishads as being the most powerful aid in the path of Self realisation.(Rudraksh Mala)
It is believed that the beads grow on Rudraksha Beads trees that have emanated from the tears of Lord Shiva and have been used by yogis and spiritualists for self-empowerment and for leading a fearless life. But let’s find out the scientific properties and botanical structure of the beads.
Rudraksha Beads(Rudraksh Mala) are proven to have many health benefits. The healing powers and anti-aging properties of these seeds have been proved. Rudraksha Beads can help cure many diseases. It is used as a remedy for stress, anxiety, and mood swings, depression, impotency, lack of concentration, mental instability etc.
These beads are widely used in Ayurveda as cure for boils, jaundice, blood pressure etc. Many researches were done in order to find more about the properties and healing powers of the Rudraksha Beads. (Rudraksh Mala)
Rudraksha Beads Leaves and Trees:
Scientifically Rudraksha plant Elaeocarpas is a large genius of broad-leaved evergreen trees. The trees are almost 50ft to 200ft in height growing in the North Indian River Plain of the Himalayas to South-East Asia, Nepal and Indonesia. All trees bear white flowers with fringed petals that develop into drupaceous fruit resembling olive. The main trunks of the trees are cylindrical with the section being circular.
Bark is greyish white and rough in texture with small vertical lenticels and narrow horizontal furrows. The branches of Rudraksha Beads spread in all directions are such a way that when growing in natural habitat, the crown takes the shape of a pyramid. Rudraksha Beads is basically grown in subtropical climatic region with temperature ranges from 25 to 30 degree centigrade.
Once the seeds are planted, they grow into trees (15 to 16 years) that start giving fruits similar to ‘Blueberries’. In its original form, a Rudraksha Beads is this fruit with a blue husk covering the seed (bead). The blue colour is not caused by pigmentation but evolves as the trees grow, bearing the fruits in around 3-4 years. The fruit is kept in water for a number of days and then Rudraksha Beads is taken out after peeling off the pulp.
Rudraksha Beads contain 50.031 % carbon, 0.95% nitrogen, 17.897% hydrogen and 30.53% oxygen. The tree has nearly 36 sister species, including Rudraksha. Rudraksha, being a plant, is specially worn without contact with metal; thus on a cord or thong rather than a chain. In the single tree Rudraksha beads comes in all different Mukhi (faces) at the same time but higher Mukhi or faces are very rare to find where most of Rudraksha beads are Five Mukhi. The beads come in seasonal pattern every year around mid-August to mid-October.
Time Duration For Effect of Rudraksha Beads:
The distinction should be made between how much effect a given item is having versus how much effect you notice and how much your body can stand. The initial effects of losing negative energies, ablation of some negative karmic thoughts may be little easier to notice as feeling of slight discomfort. Replace them with positive thoughts, and avoid needless monkey chatter of the brain by replacing it with japa or mantra recital. This process will help in speeding up the process.
For each Rudraksha Beads, one wears on the body, the body has to make adjustments. Probably one may not be aware of these adjustments but they take place nonetheless. Often it is both subtle and “delayed” (meaning that you don’t notice until it is “obvious”. It may be even a slight feeling of euphoria. What isn’t obvious is that our brain, chakras, Nadi systems, subtle bodies and other neuro-physiological mechanisms takes a great deal of pranic energy to run and adjust. The Rudraksha Beads or other beads, are disproportionate in their overall size compared to the rest of our body, but of course proportionate to what it does. (Rudraksh Mala)
The distinction should be made between how much effect a given item is having versus how much effect you notice and how much your body can stand. The initial effects of losing negative energies, ablation of some negative karmic thoughts may be little easier to notice as feeling of slight discomfort. Replace them with positive thoughts, and avoid needless monkey chatter of the brain by replacing it with japa or mantra recital. This process will help in speeding up the process.
For each Rudraksha Beads, one wears on the body, the body has to make adjustments. Probably one may not be aware of these adjustments but they take place nonetheless. Often it is both subtle and “delayed” (meaning that you don’t notice until it is “obvious”). It may be even a slight feeling of euphoria. What isn’t obvious is that our brain, chakras, Nadi systems, subtle bodies and other neuro physiological mechanisms takes a great deal of pranic energy to run and adjust. The Rudraksha or other beads, are disproportionate in their overall size compared to the rest of our body, but of course proportionate to what it does. Click on the read more to know the exact amount of time Rudraksha beads take to generate effect.
A Rudraksha Beads needs time to integrate with the fields already running [your “native” fields], jewellery (some stones you already have) or items, and the energy it takes to dissipate and/or neutralize “hostile” fields such as electromagnetic, karmic attachments, self-generated negative thoughts etc. Wearing a Rudraksha bead (Rudraksh Mala) gradually begins to generate effects on your body as the beads tune in through resonance with the body chakras. The distinction should be made between how much effect a given item is having versus how much effect you notice and how much your body can stand. (Rudraksh Mala)
Rudraksha Beads Science:
Scientifically, Rudraksha Beads have several amazing powers due to their electromagnetic character. This electromagnetic character empowers the beads to send out inductive vibrations with frequencies that can be measured in units of Henry (Volt Seconds/Ampere). These impulses stimulate certain brain chemicals, thus healing the body medically. This perhaps is the reason why people have felt better even when Rudraksha beads do not touch them physically.
With the development of modern science, scientists researched for evidences that support the ancient belief on the significance of Rudraksha Beads.With the development of modern science, scientists researched for evidences that support the ancient belief on the significance of Rudraksha Beads.
When Rudraksha Beads are placed over the heart, they act to stabilize the heart beat. Similar to magnets, the beads work on the principle of Dynamic Polarity. Blood circulation and heart beat automatically induce a magnetic field around the body and particularly the heart region. Depending on the polarity and intensity of this induced magnetic field, Rudraksha Beads transmit subtle electrical and inductive impulses with opposing polarity and intensity. Accordingly, a proportionate balancing force is exerted on the heart to regulate it if it starts beating above or below normal rates. This action helps to ensure ideal blood circulation in the body. Rudraksha Beads has Electromagnetic, Paramagnetic, Diamagnetic and Dynamic Polarity or the ability to change its polarity. Rudraksha also have Anti Ageing Properties based on their Electromagnetism. (Rudraksh Mala)
Have certain Electromagnetic and Inductive properties and when worn over the heart they send out corresponding signals differing for different Mukhi to the brain, activating or controlling certain brain chemicals and neurotransmitters thereby inducing states of mind as described in ancient scriptures.
For example the mental agitation’s and Dopamine levels (Increased amount of Dopamine cause over activity of neurons resulting in mental agitation, restlessness, tension, fear lack of control etc. conversely decreased levels of Dopamine, result in peace, tranquillity, stability etc.) of those who wore 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads was found to be less and the serotonin levels (low levels of Serotonin, one such neurotransmitter cause depression, worry, lack of energy, low self esteem and higher levels of it causes happiness, energy, drive, high levels of confidence and self esteem etc.) Of those who wore 1 Mukhi and 12 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads was found to be high.
The activity of neurons in the right part of the brain was found to be high in the wearer of 14 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads (right part of the brain control abstract and lateral thinking as against logical and structure thinking of left part of brain). This perhaps is the reason behind the change in personality and attitudes of the wearer of different types of Rudraksha beads. When the persons gets a positive confident frame of mind the impact goes deep into his subconscious mind sending out powerful vibrations there by changing the way nature and others react to him/her.
Dynamic Polarity-Rudraksha has the ability to-Change its polarity. This in turn is by virtue of its property, Diamagnetism. Diamagnetism is termed as the ability of any material to acquire temporary magnetic property in presence of an external magnetic field. The polarity of the charge induced is opposite to that of the external field inducing the charge. (Rudraksh Mala)
Blood circulation and heart beat automatically induces a magnetic field around the body and particularly the heart Region. Bioelectricity automatically gives raise to Bio magnetism Depending on the polarity of the Induced magnetic field. Rudraksha bead acquires a polarity that is opposite of the inducing field. As a result of this the opening up the passages of Arteries and Veins are far better than that of magnets.
Capacitance or the Dielectric Properties -Rudraksha Beads act as dielectric (i.e.) as a storage of electrical energy. This property of Rudraksha makes it capable in stabilizing and anchoring the Bioelectric current. The values are measured in units of Farad. (Rudraksh Mala)
This property is very helpful in controlling hyperactivity, palpitations of heart, streamlining heartbeat etc. Due to stress when there is increased physical activity heart beats faster and the overall activity of hormones and nervous system increases. This causes increased energy levels or increase in potential difference. As a result of this the magnitude of the Bioelectric Current increases. Rudraksha Beads acting as Dielectric store this excess Bioelectric Energy, thereby streamlining the overall activity to Normalcy.
Scientific of Rudraksha Beads:
Rudraksha Bead has Electromagnetic, Paramagnetic, Diamagnetic and Dynamic Polarity or the ability to change its polarity. Rudraksha also have Anti Ageing Properties based on their Electromagnetism.
Inductance of Rudraksha Beads:
Rudraksha Beads by it have permanent magnetic properties. They have been observed to send out Inductive vibrations with frequencies measured in units of Henry (Volt Seconds/Ampere). This perhaps is the reason why people have felt better even when Rudraksha beads do not touch them physically.
Rudraksha Beads act as a Stabilizing Anchor. Rudraksha beads’ (Rudraksh Mala) electrical property can be broadly categorized into:
Resistance of Rudraksha Beads:
There is continuous and subtle flow of bioelectrical signal throughout the body due to potential difference between parts of the Body. Rudraksha(The Rudraksha Power) beads of particular Mukhi or Facets have a definitive Factor of Resistance. It is measured in Ohms. When these beads resist the flow of bioelectrical impulses a specific ampere of current flow is generated depending on the factor of resistance. (Rudraksh Mala)
This acts in tandem with heartbeat, streamlining it and sending out specific impulses to brain. These impulses stimulate certain positive brain chemicals. It has been observed that specific Mukhi or Facets of Rudraksha Beads send out specific signals acting on a particular brain chemical and thereby by effecting specific positive changes in personality. It is well proven that the state of mind and our personality is governed almost completely by the Brain, its functioning and that of Central Nervous System
Rudraksha Beads for Various Ailments:
Rudraksha in Vedic scriptures: Quotes from Ancient Texts
From the Vedic and scriptural point of view, the Sanskrit word ‘Rudraksha’(The Rudraksha Power) symbolizes Rudra (Lord Shiva). The root word rud means ‘to wail’; Rudra means the one who wails, howls or roars. Another derivation mentions rud which also means in Sanskrit ‘being red’ leading to ‘red, intense, and brilliant’. The English word ‘ruddy’ is derived from old English rudig, rud which means ‘red’.
The Rig Veda mentions (Rukh draavayathi iti rudraha). Rukha means ‘grief, distress or anguish’. Draavayathi means ‘to eradicate’, ‘iti’ means ‘that’ or ‘who’, and Rudra means another name of Shiva. It means Shiva who eradicates miseries or grief. ‘Rudra’ is Lord Shiva and ‘Aksha’ means tears. Therefore, Rudraksha means tears of Shiva. Lord Shiva is the ardent user and admirer of Rudraksha. In fact both cannot be separated.
Rudraksha, (also called Rudraksha Ratana, Rudraksha Bead, Rudraksha Gem,) is a very sacred object in the Hindu Religion. It is hard and dark colored fruit of a tree whose botanical or scientific name is Elaeocarpas Garnitures. In Sanskrit Rudraksha mean eyes (tears) of Lord Shiva. ‘Rudra’ is another name of Lord Shiva and ‘Aksha’ means eyes or tears. The name Rudraksha also signifies “under the protection of Lord Rudra (Shiva).” The origin of Rudraksha is linked with the story of Tripur asura Samhar. The story or the legend according to Devi Bhagwat Purana (a religious text) is this:
There was a very powerful demon called Maya. He built three towns of three different metals viz. Gold, Silver and iron. These towns were imperishable and were called Tripur. So the demon was also known as Tripur asura. He became arrogant and started troubling
In the view of Vedas, Rudraksha beads are divine(The Rudraksha Power). They have spiritual charge that affects the mind, the body, the senses and the soul. Even devas (gods) of the heavenly planets seek to wear these beads for their numerous benefits.
Before we study the benefits, let’s know more about Mukhis, the faces of Rudraksha beads. The faces are determined by the lines that segment the bead.
Legends Associated with the origin of Rudraksha Beads:
Ancient Vedic scriptures talk about different circumstances leading to the creation of “Rudra”. All the epics are cantered on Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is also known by the name “Rudra”. According to Shiva Purana, Lord Shiva went into deep meditation for a long period for the well-being of all living beings. After waking from the state of meditation, He opened His eyes and instantly tear drops fell on the earth. On reaching the ground, these tear drops took the form of a seed which later grew into Rudraksha tree.
Ancient Vedic scriptures talk about different circumstances leading to the creation of “Rudra”. All the epics are centered on Lord Shiva, the god of eternal cycle of creation and destruction. Lord Shiva is also known by the name “Rudra”. According to Shiva puran, once lord Shiva went into deep meditation for a long period for the well-being of all living beings. After waking from the state of meditation, he opened his eyes and instantly tear drops fell on the earth. On reaching the ground, tear drops took the form of a seed which later grew into Rudraksha tree. Another epic boosts a different tale.
It says that there used to be a demon called “Tripur Asura” who gained so much power that all the gods felt intimidated by him. The demon misused his power by brutally torturing the innocents. All the gods were helpless and finally turned to lord Shiva to eliminate the evils of the demon. Shiva decided to use his very powerful and destructive weapon called Aghor to kill the demon. But on realizing the devastating effects the weapon would bring about, Shiva became very emotional and tears naturally fell down from his eyes and thus landed on the earth.
Mother earth enveloped the tear drops and gave birth to a Rudraksha Beads Tree. Another tale foretells that when Lord Shiva woke up from his deep meditation, tear drops welled down from his eyes on realizing the sufferings of living creatures. His Almighty’s teardrops on reaching the earth germinated into a seed. It is believed that the seed of Rudraksha Rudraksha Beads contains the secrets of entire evolution of the cosmos within it.
Lord Shiva is always portrayed wearing rosary of Rudraksha Beads on his head, arms and hands. With this came the religious, spiritual, physical and materialistic significance of Rudraksha Beads. This further brought it to lead the path to spiritual enlightenment and liberation.
Thereafter came the use of holy Rudraksha beads by Shiva devotees. Hindu scriptures like Shiv mahaPurana, Shreemaddevibhagwat, Padma Purana, ling Purana, Ashtamalikopnishad, Nirnayasindhoo, Mantramaharnava, Mahakal Samhita, Rudrakshajabalopnishad, Vrihajjabalopnishad, Shivaswarodaya and Sarvollastantra glorify how Lord Shiva crossed the line of caste and creed and blessed all the four Varnas, Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras, to use holy Rudraksha Beads for their well-beings. It is also believed that if a person encounters and meets death while wearing Rudraksha, she/he will surely attain Moksha, meaning liberation from all the sins.
Types of Rudraksha Beads, Mukhi (Faces):
Nakshtra | Graha | Rurdsksha |
1. Ashvini | Ketu | 9 Mukhi |
2. Bharni | Venus | 6 Mukhi |
3. Krittika | Sun | 1/11/12 Mukhi |
4. Rohini | Moon | 2 Mukhi |
5. Mrigshira | Mars | 3 Mukhi |
6. Ardra | Rahu- | 8 Mukhi |
7. Punarvasu | Jupiter | 5 Mukhi |
8. Pushya | Saturn | 7 Mukhi |
9. Ashlesha | Mercury | 4 Mukhi |
10. Magha | Ketu | 9 Mukhi |
11. Purvaphalguni | Venus | 6 Mukhi |
12. Uttarphalguni | S- un | 1/11/12 Mukhi |
13. Hasta | Moon | 2 Mukhi |
14. Chitra | Mars | 3 Mukhi |
15. Swati | Rahu | 8 Mukhi |
16. Vishakha | Jupiter | 5 Mukhi |
17. Anuradha | Saturn | 7 Mukhi |
18. Jyeshtha | Mercury | 4 Mukhi |
19. Mula | Ketu | 9 Mukhi |
20. Purvashadha | Venus | 6 Mukhi |
21. Uttrashada | Sun | 1/11/12 Mukhi |
22. Sravan | Moon | 2 Mukhi |
23. Dhanishtha | Mar | 3 Mukhi |
24. Shatabhisha | Rahu | 8 Mukhi |
25. Purvabhadrapada | Jupiter | 5 Mukhi |
26.Uttarabhadrapada | Saturn | 7 Mukh |
27. Revati | Mercury | 4 Mukhi |
Rudraksha Beads commonly come from 1 to 21 Mukhi, but Rudraksha of 1 to 14 Mukhi are commonly found. Rudraksha beads from 15 Mukhi to 21 Mukhi are more rare and Mukhi above that are found in very few numbers every year. Of all these, 4,5 and 6 Mukhi Rudraksha beads are found easily and abundantly. Depending upon the availability and production of Rudraksha different prices have been allocated for different Mukhi Rudraksha.
The Rudraksha Beads bead has a top portion from where the line originated this is called Brahma. The middle portion having the largest diameter that is known as Vishnu and the bottom portion where the lines end is known as Shiva. In the ancient Vedic scriptures such as the Shiva Purana, Srimad Devi Bhagavad, and Padma Purana, Rudraksha beads up to 14 Mukhis have been described along with their effects and purposes for which they are useful. Higher Mukhi Rudraksha from 15 to 1 Mukhi have been described in Katyayani Purana and beads above that do not find mention in any known text till date. There are other Rudraksha beads like Gauri Shankar (two Rudraksha having naturally joined on the tree), Ganesha (a Rudraksha having trunk like protrusion on its body) Sawar (a Gauri Shankar in which one bead has only one line or Mukhi), Trijuti (three Rudraksha beads joined naturally on the tree.
Click on Read More to know properties of each Rudraksha bead, One Mukhi to Twenty one. Go to Rudraksha details
Benefits of Rudraksha Beads:
- Mitigates the past reactions of karmas
- Protects against ominous accidents and unfortunate events
- Cures the influence of adverse planets
- Aids in memory and decision making
- Regulates blood pressure
- Minimizes stress and relaxes the mind
- Wherever Rudraksha is worshipped the Goddess of wealth always stays there.
- Helps in awakening of Kundalini.
- Peace and harmony.
- Controls stress, hypertension and blood pressure.
- Increases self-power.
- Gives peace of mind to the wearer, stimulates the mind and sharpens the intellect.
- Balances the chakras and heal diseases in the body
Yes. These beads balance the body chakras, change belief systems; remove chakra blockages, and leads the wearer to both personal and professional success. Specific Rudraksha beads are recommended once the person’s blocked chakras are identified. Based on the existing concerns and the desired outcome, Rudraksha beads are skilfully strung so the person can wear easily and positive results can be experienced in a miraculous time period of 8-10 days.
Considered a major stress reliever, easer of circulatory problems and, of course, as the best worry beads, the berry was first spotted in Indonesia and is now grown in Nepal and Hardwar However, because it is expensive, clinical research of its medicinal properties has not been possible, often resulting in the berry being subjected to esoteric mumbo jumbo.
But “one must approach the Rudraksha Beads with a mixture of open mindedness, and dogmatism, rationalism as well as emotion, to get positive feedback.”That’s probably why many who put it under their pillow have sworn that it cured them of their insomnia.”
Ancient medical texts claim that the Rudraksha Beads can prevent ageing and can prolong life. The beads are supposed to be anti-pyretic and anti-paralysing and can help balance the vital chakras of the human body which control bile, wind and phlegm. It also said to heal those suffering from hypertension and heart ailments. Besides, as it is completely without any side effects it cannot do you any harm.
Energizing Rudraksha Beads:
Beads worn start getting activated in 8-10 days of wearing and you start noticing lessening of stress and body pains in this period. This is followed by a more energetic feeling in the mind and a focused mind. The effects in the outer world namely improved relationships and attraction of desires outcomes then follow. Know that beads activate your chakras till the level that you are ready to withstand at that moment of time. With new learning, they open the chakras more. The beads lie dormant after bringing your chakras to an optimum level and become awake only in times of stress/ chakra level change. Thus they conserve energy through capacitance.
Rudraksha Beads Life Infusing Procedure:
Pran Prathistha means filling a diving object with ‘Pran’, the life force. Rudraksha beads at Rudra Centre are purified before being sent out for delivery. Vedas recommend that any object associated with the Divine must be kept in the state of absolute purity. Just like we take bath in the Ganges in order to purify ourselves, divine objects like Rudraksha beads need to be purified.
The sanctifying process is called Pran Prathistha performed by experts and qualified Brahmins at Rudra Centre. The experts well-versed in Vedas chant suitable mantras dedicated to purifying divine objects and driving away negative energies. These mantras are powerful and their flawless utterances in line with Vedas purify the ears. Once they are purified, they are then neatly packed in clean cloth and delivered to the clients. To know how it is done in detail along with the Rudraksha mantras go to
Daily Puja of Rudraksha Beads:
Rudraksha is a divine bead and it bestows all sorts of spiritual, mental physical benefits to its wearer. It works fully after Pran Prathistha is done. However the wearer may choose to energize the bead continually at his end to derive maximum benefits. Click on the read more to find out how to do daily puja of Rudraksha beads
How to Identify Rudraksha Beads?
To meet the ever increasing demand for different faceted beads, traders manufacture rarely found beads such as the one faced Rudraksha or beads higher than 12 Mukhi Rudraksha. Mostly a higher Mukhi is fashioned by carving a lower Mukhi into having extra segments. Sometimes several lower Mukhi Rudraksha are used to construct a higher Mukhi Rudraksha. Beads of Areca nut, Nutmeg or wood are used to fashion Rudraksha Beads. In such circumstances the individual who wants to buy a genuine Rudraksha gets duped. There are few methods of testing a genuine Rudraksha:
Cut Test: A full proof method is to cut the Rudraksha bead horizontally. One will find the same number of compartments as that of the number of lines. However the drawback is that by this method, the bead gets destroyed.
Properties Test: The other is to find out whether the beads exhibit properties like inductance, capacitance, conduction of electric current etc.
Copper Coin Test: It is generally held that if Rudraksha beads are placed between two copper coins it should rotate slightly. This is due to the physical and magnetic properties of the Rudraksha beads. This test requires high level of expertise.
Eye test: A fake or the artificial Rudraksha may look like a real one but in these Rudraksha the facets (Mukhi) cannot be made as real as those present on the real Rudraksha. In a Rudraksha the facets or the Mukhi means deep lining from the upper part to the lower part of Rudraksha. Looking at these deep linings (facets) with the help of a magnifying glass, one can easily recognize a real Rudraksha.
Tests for a Genuine Rudraksha Beads: To meet the ever increasing demand for different faceted beads, traders have started manufacturing rarely found beads such as the one faced Rudraksha. Beads of Areca nut, Nutmeg or Tulsi are used to fashion Rudraksha Beads. In such circumstances the individual who wants to buy a genuine Rudraksha gets duped.
There are few methods of testing a genuine Rudraksha Beads:
Cut test: A full proof method is to cut the Rudraksha bead horizontally. One will find the same number of compartments as that of the number of lines. However the drawback is that by this method, the bead gets destroyed.
Properties Test: The other is to find out whether the beads exhibit properties like inductance, capacitance, conduction of electric current etc.
Copper Coin Test: It is generally held that if Rudraksha beads are placed between two copper coins it should rotate slightly. This is due to the physical and magnetic properties of the Rudraksha beads. This test requires high level of expertise.
Eye Test: A fake or the artificial Rudraksha may look like a real one but in these Rudraksha the facets (Mukhi) cannot be made as real as those present on the real Rudraksha. In a Rudraksha the facets or the Mukhi means deep lining from the upper part to the lower part of Rudraksha Beads. Looking at these deep linings (facets) with the help of a magnifying glass, one can easily recognize a real Rudraksha Beads.
Know that most fake Rudraksha Beads in today’s time are made from real Rudraksha beads of lower Mukhi. Extra lines are carved using a sharp instrument on the exterior surface. So such beads will always pass the properties test and the copper coin test. An expert can see the bead and tell you if the line is genuine or carved.
Water Test: Sometimes a higher valued Rudraksha (Gaurishankar Rudraksha or a Trijuti) are made by artificially joining two or three Rudraksha with the help of glue etc. In case of doubt such Rudraksha should be soaked in water for 15-18 hours. A sharp discoloration will take place at the joint in case of artificial Rudraksha.
The test wherein the Rudraksha Beads dips in water (commonly known as water test) is not dependable because:
Real Rudraksha beads that are fresh float in water due to less density. Over time as they absorb moisture and oil they start sinking.
A fake Rudraksha made out of wood and impregnated with lead will sink in water thereby giving a false impression of a real Rudraksha.
Suggestion: The best way to get a real Rudraksha is to source it from a reputed dealer.
Rudraksha Beads Tips & Care:
Rudraksha divine beads can be worn by anybody irrespective of age, sex, caste, creed, culture and location. However, it is advisable that certain precautions should be taken while using Rudraksha since it is a divine gift and therefore very pious. We have a selection process through which we offer you energetic, healthy beads to give you best results. You may wait for a Monday as it is an auspicious day to start wearing your bead or you may wear your Rudraksha early morning on any auspicious day of the week after an early morning bath.
- Take an early morning bath.
- Chant ‘OM Namah Shivaya(ॐ नम: शिवाय)’ nine or one hundred and eight times.
- Chant the seed mantra of your Rudraksha bead nine or one hundred and eight times. (Seed mantra is given in the booklet given along with the bead)
- After this mantra chanting, wear it remembering the face of all-auspicious Lord Shiva.
- Wash beads with water or water mixed with Ganges water every week.
- Allow to dry under fan. If you reside in a humid climate, then you may soak the beads in water overnight and scrub with a hard plastic brush to clear the pores. Note that beads are strong and do not break with scrubbing. Once they are dry, apply a light oil like Olive and Sandalwood oil with a toothbrush.
Rudraksha Beads Cleaning:
Rudraksha divine beads can be worn by anybody irrespective of age, sex, caste, creed, culture and location. However, it is advisable that certain precautions should be taken while using Rudraksha since it is a divine gift and therefore very pious. We have a selection process through which we offer you energetic, healthy beads to give you best results. You may wait for a Monday as it is an auspicious day to start wearing your bead or you may wear your Rudraksha early morning on any auspicious day of the week after an early morning bath.
- Taken an early morning bath.
- Chant ‘OM Namah Shivaya’ nine or one hundred and eight times.
- Chant the seed mantra of your Rudraksha bead nine or one hundred and eight times. (Seed mantra is given in the booklet given along with the bead)
- After this mantra chanting, wear it remembering the face of all-auspicious Lord Shiva.
- Wash beads with water or water mixed with Ganges water every week.
- Allow to dry under fan. If you reside in a humid climate, then you may soak the beads in water overnight and scrub with a hard plastic brush to clear the pores. Note that beads are strong and do not break with scrubbing. Once they are dry, apply a light oil like Olive and Sandalwood oil with a toothbrush.
- If you are on a long tour and would not be able to wear them for a long period, keep them in refrigerator. Note that beads tend to go in slumber mode if not worn for a period of about one week at a stretch. Then they need regular wearing for another one week to awaken again.
- Remove the bead before undertaking any work such as workout in a gym or swimming.
- If you wish to start wearing your beads after a long gap, wash them with water, offer incense, flowers, chant “Om Namah Shivaya” x 27 times and wear them again.
- Prayers and Mantra chanting: While doing rituals with Rudraksha is not necessary to derive results, we recommend spiritual practice like meditation to align you well to the positive energy and direction they give to you in life.
- You may remove it at night if you feel uncomfortable after wearing it the whole day. But try to have the Rudraksha bead on your body as much as possible.
- While wearing a Rudraksha Beads for the first time, it is advisable to get them energized with a proper Puja (Pran Prathistha). Those living in western countries should buy from authentic vendors who do the Puja before sending to get the maximum beneficial effects.
- Rudraksha beads are worn as pendants and bracelets on wrist or Upper arm. They may also be kept in the Puja room for benefit of entire family. However wearing gives maximum results in terms of health and emotional balancing.
- A Rudraksha mala, Bracelet or a pendant can be made using gold, silver or copper or simple thread.
- Rudraksha need cleaning every month.
Follow the steps Rudraksha Beads:
- Soak overnight in tap water
- Use a plastic brush to remove dust or impurities
- Dry beads under fan for 4-5 hours
- Apply any light perfumed oil on the beads with a toothbrush
You Should Avoid In Rudraksha Beads:
- Using strong detergents or very hot/ boiling water with Rudraksha
- Wearing beads during bath as the soap enters the pores of beads and is difficult to clean
- Avoid application of Talcum powder on body while wearing beads as it enters the pores
- Leaving the beads dry for long as they may develop cracks
- Rudraksha beads are very strong and if a proper care and cleaning is done and if protected from getting physically damaged, these beads can be passed on from one generation to another.
- A person can wear more than one Rudraksha bead of the same Mukhi. Alternately he can also wear a mala/ bracelet having a combination of various Mukhi Rudraksha.
- Rudraksha beads are a product of nature. Hence they vary in their size and colours even if they are identical in Mukha (facets). However this variation of size and colour does not increase/ decrease the effectiveness of this divine bead.
- Children may also wear Rudraksha depending on the nature of their emotional and health concerns. They respond to Rudraksha Beads faster than adults and it makes their growing years smoother.
- Dos and Don’ts Authentic ancient texts do not mention any taboos on wearing these beads . They may be worn while eating non veg, drinks, toilet hours, menstrual cycle for ladies provided the beads are kept in hygienic state and one does not touch the beads with soiled fingers.
- The words of the authentic ancient texts were misinterpreted over the years and thus many taboos were created in books creating confusion in the minds of people. But the real meaning was that these beads do not work in times of bodily and sensory activities. They work on the mind and thoughts. So those who practice meditation, find instant results on wearing them.