Sadhana Panchakam Stotram, साधना पंचकं स्तोत्रम

Sadhana Panchakam Stotram | साधना पंचकं स्तोत्रम

Sadhana Panchakam Stotram (साधना पंचकं स्तोत्रम): Sadhana Panchakam Stotram text was written by Sri Adi Shankaracharya towards the end of his brief 32- year lifespan. A request was made by his disciples that he should write a brief text summarizing his approach to spiritual life. Bringing all his experience to bear, the great Bhashyakara wrote the poem which forms the basis of these talks.

Sadhana Panchakam derives its name from the five verses that comprise the poem, each one dealing with spiritual practices. Each verse contains 8 instructions, making a total of 40 instructions. In spite of their brevity, they are remarkable for their deep insight to reveal the very essence of Sadhana at every stage of one’s spiritual growth.

The instructions are considered to be very precious and priceless, and contain the principles of the practice of Sadhana. For this reason the text also goes by a second name, Upadesha Pancharatnam, meaning “Five precious gems of advice or teaching”.

Further, the instructions are not in a haphazard order, but presented in a logical sequence, in the order in which they have to be practised. They are like the stations we pass during a railway journey, each station taking us closer and closer to our destination. This sequential format of the text gives it its third name, Sopana Arohana Nyaya.

Renunciation begins with renouncing the fruits of our actions. The time these things happens, the entire nature of our life changes. We enter a new realm of pursuit. It is at this point that the Bhagavata Geeta begins. Lord Krishna was waiting for Arjuna to come to this level in his understanding. As soon as Arjuna showed signs of renunciation, marked by his surrender to Lord Krishna, the Lord enrolled him as an eligible seeker of Truth. Arjuna became Krishna’s disciple, and true spiritual life began in earnest.

Renunciation – in all its numerous aspects – is the entrance fee one pays to start spiritual life in earnest? Sadhana Panchakam reflects the importance of Renunciation by incorporating some practice of it even in the Brahmacharya stage of life. In Step 12, in the Vanaprastha stage of life, we see a much more elevated version of Renunciation, which enables us to move rapidly ahead on the spiritual path.

Sadhana Panchakam Stotram Benefits:

  • Freedom from Desire.
  • Freedom from Ego-consciousness.
  • Freedom from Restlessness.
  • Freedom from Ignorance.

Who has to recite this Stotram:

  • The person wants to lead a stress free; hassle free and tension free life must follow Sadhana Panchakam Stotram and recite regularly.
  • For more information please contact Astro Mantra.

साधना पंचकं स्तोत्रम् | Sadhana Panchakam Stotram

वेदो नित्यमधीयतां तदुदितं कर्म स्वनुष्ठीयतां तेनेशस्य विधीयतामपचिति: काम्ये मतिस्त्यज्यताम् ।

पापौघ: परिधूयतां भवसुखे दोषोऽनुसंधीयतामात्मेच्छा व्यवसीयतां निजगृहात्तूर्णं विनिर्गम्यताम् ।।1।।

संग: सत्सु विधीयतां भगवतो भक्तिर्द्रढा धीयतां शान्त्यादि: परिचीयतां दृढतरं कर्माशु सन्त्यज्यताम् ।

सद्विद्वानुपसप्र्यतां प्रतिदिनं तत्पादुका सेव्यातां ब्रहौकाक्षरमथ्र्यतां श्रुतिशिरोवाक्यं समाकण्र्यताम् ।।2।।

वाक्यार्थश्च विचार्यतां श्रुतिशिर: पक्ष: समाश्रीयतां दुस्तर्कात्सुविरम्यतां श्रुतिमतस्तर्कोऽनुसंधीयताम् ।

ब्रम्हौवास्मि विभाव्यतामहरहर्गर्व: परित्यज्यतां देहेऽहम्मतिरुज्झ्यतां बुधजनैर्वाद: परित्यज्यताम् ।।3।।

क्षुद्व्याधिश्च चिकित्स्यतां प्रतिदिनं भिक्षौषधं भुज्यतां स्वाद्वन्नं न तु याच्यतां विधिवशात्प्राप्तेन सन्तुष्यताम् ।

शीतोष्णादि विषह्रमातां न तु वृथा वाक्यं समुच्चार्यतामौदासीन्यमभीप्स्यतां जनकृपा नैष्ठुर्यमुत्सृज्यताम् ।।4।।

एकान्ते सुखमास्यतां परतरे चेत: समाधीयतां पूर्णात्मा सुसमीक्ष्यतां जगदिदं तद्बाधितं दृश्यताम् ।

प्राक्कर्म प्रविलाप्यतां चितिबलान्नाप्युत्तरै: शि्लष्यतां प्रारब्धं त्विह भुज्यतामथ परब्रम्हात्मना स्थीयताम् ।।5।।

य: श्लोकपंचकमिदं पठते मनुष्य:  सञ्चिन्तयत्यनुदिनं स्थिरतामुपेत्य ।

तस्याशु संसृतिदवानलतीव्रघोरताप: प्रशांतिमुपयाति चितिप्रसादात् ।।6।।