Shree Kanakdhara Stotram, श्री कनकधारा स्तोत्रम्

श्री कनकधारा स्तोत्रम् | Shree Kanakdhara Stotram

श्री कनकधारा स्तोत्रम् (Shree Kanakdhara Stotram)

अङ्गं हरेः पुलकभूषणमाश्रयन्ती
भृङ्गाङ्गनेव मुकुलाभरणं तमालम् ।
माङ्गल्यदास्तु मम मङ्गलदेवतायाः ॥१॥

मुग्धा मुहुर्विदधती वदने मुरारेः
प्रेमत्रपाप्रणिहितानि गतागतानि ।
माला दृशोर्मधुकरीव महोत्पले या
सा मे श्रियं दिशतु सागरसम्भवायाः ॥२॥

आनन्दहेतुरधिकं मुरविद्विषोऽपि ।
ईषन्निषीदतु मयि क्षणमीक्षणार्धम्_
इन्दीवरोदरसहोदरमिन्दिरायाः ॥३॥

आमीलिताक्षमधिगम्य मुदा मुकुन्दम्_
आनन्दकन्दमनिमेषमनङ्गतन्त्रम् ।
भूत्यै भवेन्मम भुजङ्गशयाङ्गनायाः ॥४॥

बाह्वन्तरे मधुजितः श्रितकौस्तुभे या
हारावलीव हरिनीलमयी विभाति ।
कामप्रदा भगवतोऽपि कटाक्षमाला
कल्याणमावहतु मे कमलालयायाः ॥५॥

कालाम्बुदालिललितोरसि कैटभारेर्_
धाराधरे स्फुरति या तडिदङ्गनेव ।
मातुः समस्तजगतां महनीयमूर्तिर्_
भद्राणि मे दिशतु भार्गवनन्दनायाः ॥६॥

प्राप्तं पदं प्रथमतः किल यत्प्रभावान्
माङ्गल्यभाजि मधुमाथिनि मन्मथेन ।
मय्यापतेत्तदिह मन्थरमीक्षणार्धं
मन्दालसं च मकरालयकन्यकायाः ॥७॥

दद्याद् दयानुपवनो द्रविणाम्बुधाराम्_
अस्मिन्नकिञ्चनविहङ्गशिशौ विषण्णे ।
दुष्कर्मघर्ममपनीय चिराय दूरं
नारायणप्रणयिनीनयनाम्बुवाहः ॥८॥

इष्टा विशिष्टमतयोऽपि यया दयार्द्र_
दृष्ट्या त्रिविष्टपपदं सुलभं लभन्ते ।
दृष्टिः प्रहृष्टकमलोदरदीप्तिरिष्टां
पुष्टिं कृषीष्ट मम पुष्करविष्टरायाः ॥९॥

गीर्देवतेति गरुडध्वजसुन्दरीति
शाकम्भरीति शशिशेखरवल्लभेति ।
सृष्टिस्थितिप्रलयकेलिषु संस्थितायै
तस्यै नमस्त्रिभुवनैकगुरोस्तरुण्यै ॥१०॥

श्रुत्यै नमोऽस्तु शुभकर्मफलप्रसूत्यै
रत्यै नमोऽस्तु रमणीयगुणार्णवायै ।
शक्त्यै नमोऽस्तु शतपत्रनिकेतनायै
पुष्ट्यै नमोऽस्तु पुरुषोत्तमवल्लभायै ॥११॥

नमोऽस्तु नालीकनिभाननायै
नमोऽस्तु दुग्धोदधिजन्मभूत्यै ।
नमोऽस्तु सोमामृतसोदरायै
नमोऽस्तु नारायणवल्लभायै ॥१२॥

सम्पत्कराणि सकलेन्द्रियनन्दनानि
साम्राज्यदानविभवानि सरोरुहाक्षि ।
त्वद्वन्दनानि दुरिताहरणोद्यतानि
मामेव मातरनिशं कलयन्तु मान्ये ॥१३॥

सेवकस्य सकलार्थसम्पदः ।
संतनोति वचनाङ्गमानसैस्_
त्वां मुरारिहृदयेश्वरीं भजे ॥१४॥

सरसिजनिलये सरोजहस्ते
धवलतमांशुकगन्धमाल्यशोभे ।
भगवति हरिवल्लभे मनोज्ञे
त्रिभुवनभूतिकरि प्रसीद मह्यम् ॥१५॥

दिग्घस्तिभिः कनककुम्भमुखावसृष्ट_
स्वर्वाहिनीविमलचारुजलप्लुताङ्गीम् ।
प्रातर्नमामि जगतां जननीमशेष_
लोकाधिनाथगृहिणीममृताब्धिपुत्रीम् ॥१६॥

कमले कमलाक्षवल्लभे
त्वं करुणापूरतरङ्गितैरपाङ्गैः ।
अवलोकय मामकिञ्चनानां
प्रथमं पात्रमकृत्रिमं दयायाः ॥१७॥

स्तुवन्ति ये स्तुतिभिरमूभिरन्वहं
त्रयीमयीं त्रिभुवनमातरं रमाम् ।
गुणाधिका गुरुतरभाग्यभागिनो
भवन्ति ते भुवि बुधभाविताशयाः ॥१८॥

– आदि शंकराचार्य कृत


श्री कनकधारा स्तोत्र | Kanakadhara Stotram With Lyrics

Shree Kanakdhara Stotram | श्री कनकधारा स्तोत्रम्

Resting on the limb ornament of the eyelashes of Hari
The tamarisk tree is like a bee’s nest.
May the goddess of auspiciousness bestow auspiciousness upon me.

She was fascinated and repeatedly put her face on Murari’s face
They have passed away, devoted to love and shame.
The garland is like the honey of the sight on the great lotus
May that goddess born of the ocean bestow upon me prosperity

It is more than a cause of joy even for the enemies of the mura.
Let him sit a little on me for a moment and a half_
Indivarodarasahodaramindirayaḥ ॥3॥

Amilitakshamadhigamaya muda mukundam_
The tuber of bliss is the instantaneous system of love.
The eyes of the canine eyelids in the shape
May it be for the happiness of my serpent-bedded wife.

She who is conquered by honey in the Kaustubha between her arms
It shines like a necklace of green and blue.
Even a garland of glances from the Lord who bestows desires
May the lotus-eyed one bring me good fortune.

Kalambudalililitorasi catbharer_
She flickered in the stream like a lightning bolt.
The greatest idol of the mother in the whole world_
May the delight of the Bhrigus bestow upon me all good fortune.

The position obtained from the first kill that effects
The auspicious vessel, the honey-pot, was bewitched.
It falls on me here slowly half a glance
Mandalasam and the daughter of the crocodile house.

The garden of mercy should give a stream of wealth_
In this depressed baby bird with nothing.
Remove the heat of evil deeds for a long time
The tears flowing from the eyes of the lover of Nārāyaṇa.

Even the desired distinguished opinions which are moist with compassion_
They can easily attain the heavenly abode by sight.
The sight is dear to the glow of the cheerful lotus belly
May he cultivate the nourishment of my lotus-bed.

Girdevateti Garudadhvajasundari
Shakambhari is the beloved of Shashishekhar.
For dwelling in the plays of creation, existence and annihilation
Obeisances to that young lady who is the only spiritual master of the three worlds.

Obeisance to the hearing, which gives birth to the fruits of good deeds
O Rati, you are the ocean of beautiful qualities.
O Shakti, I offer my obeisances to the dwelling place of hundred petals
Obeisance to Pushti, the beloved of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Obeisance to the face like a drain
Obeisances to you, who are born of milk and ocean.
Obeisance to the brother of the moon’s nectar
Obeisance to the dearest of Lord Narayana.

They are the source of wealth and the delight of all the senses
O lotus-eyed one, you have the power to give empire and charity.
Thy worships are ready to take away evil
Let them always call me, my mother, my dear.

That is the method of worshiping the glance
The servant’s total wealth.
Santanoti vacanangamanasais_
I worship You, the goddess of the heart of Murari.

Sarasijanilaye sarojhaste
She was adorned with white robes, fragrant flowers and garlands.
O dear Lord Hari, pleasant
O creator of the three worlds, have mercy on me.

Digghastibhiḥ kanakakumbhamukhavasṛṣṭa_
The heavenly army was flooded with pure and beautiful water.
I bow to the mother of the worlds in the morning_
She is the wife of the lord of the worlds and the daughter of the nectar ocean.

Kamale Kamalakshavallabhe
Your eyes are waving with a flood of compassion.
Look at me, the poor
The first vessel is the artificial one of mercy.

Those who praise with these praises daily
She is the mother of the three worlds and is the embodiment of the three Vedas.
They are multiplied by heavier fortunes
They are the ones whose minds are meditated on Mercury on earth.

– By Adi Shankaracharya