Shri Mangla Charan Stotra, श्री मंगलचरण स्तोत्र

Shri Mangla Charan Stotra | श्री मंगलचरण स्तोत्र

Shri Mangla Charan Stotra (श्री मंगलचरण स्तोत्र): The planet Mars traverses through the Zodiac sign for about a year and two hundred and twenty days. The planet remains in each zodiac sign for about eight weeks in each sign. Fire is the representative element. Mars represents all those who engage in military, sports, wars, surgery and the like.

It is a mantra for protection. When we chant these powerful, sacred words, we recognize the ultimate Truth – that the wisdom of the ages guides us, is ever-present and therefore everything is taken care of. And through this recognition, conscious or otherwise, we relax into the natural strength of simply being, and our aura expands, protecting and shielding us.

The purpose of recitation Shri Mangla Charan Stotra is to be able to quiet the mind, not by making our mental chatter stop, but by allowing us to contemplate our every day thoughts as a spectator rather than engaging with each and every one of them as we normally do.

By getting some distance from our thoughts, we gain objectivity and a new sense of balance. In due course, our creativity increases: as our mind stops being focused all the time on the same subjects, there is an opening in our thoughts, a space for something new to be born. Recitation opens the door that connects us to our intuition, inner guidance and creative self.

Shri Mangla Charan Stotra Benefits:

If your mind is scattered, having to focus on the movement and the Shri Mangla Charan Stotra will force it to forget about everything else: there is no way you’ll be able to concentrate on singing and moving and also have space to think about any worries you might have. As soon as your mind wanders off you’ll lose track of the song or the movement, and therefore will be able to bring yourself back to the meditation.

During traditional meditation if you get caught up in your thoughts, it might take you a while before you notice it, in this one, you’ll be aware as soon as it happens.

It is a great way to start your morning, as the gentle movements will wake your whole body up and get you ready to start the day.

Who has to chant Shri Mangla Charan Stotra:

  • The person having mental stress and agony must recite this Shri Mangla Charan Stotra regularly.
  • For further information and Shri Mangla Charan Stotra details please contact Astro Mantra.

श्रीमंगलाचरणम | Shri Mangla Charan Stotra

लक्ष्मीं तनोतु सुतरामितरानपेक्षमंघ्रिद्वयं निगमशाखिशिखाप्रवालम् ।

हेरम्बमम्बुरूहडम्बरचौर्यनिघ्नं विघ्नाद्रिभेदशतधारधरं धुरं न: ।।1।।

आनन्दमात्रमकरन्दमनन्तगन्धं योगीन्द्रसुस्थिरमिलिन्दमपास्तबन्धम् ।

वेदान्तसूर्यकिरणैकविकासशीलं हेरम्बपादशरदम्बुजमानतोऽस्मि ।।2।।

दन्ताञचलेन धरणीतलमुन्नमय्य पातालकेलिषु धृतादिवराहलीलम् ।

उल्लाघनोत्फणफणाधरगीयमान क्रीडावदानमिभराजमुखं नमाम: ।।3।।

वचांसि वाचस्पतिमत्सरेण साराणि लब्धुं ग्रहमण्डलीव ।

मुक्ताक्षसूत्रत्वमुपैति यस्या: सा सप्रसादाऽस्तु सरस्वती व: ।।4।।

विरिंचिनारायणवन्दनीयो मानं विनेतुं गिरिशोऽपि यस्या: ।

कृपाकटाक्षेण निरीक्षणानि व्यपेक्षते साऽवतु वो भवानी ।।5।।

वृन्दारका यस्य भवन्ति भृंगा मन्दाकिनी यन्मकरन्दबिंदु: ।

तवारविन्दाक्ष पदारविंदं वन्दे चतुर्वर्गचतुष्पदं तत् ।।6।।

किञ्जल्कराजिरिव नीलसरोजलग्ना लेखेव काञचनमयी निकषोपलस्था ।

सौदामिनी जलदमंडलगामिनीव पायादुर:स्थलगता कमला मुरारे: ।।7।।

मेरुरुकेसरमुदारदिगन्तपत्रमामूललम्बि चलशेषशरीरनालम् ।

येनोद्धतं कुवलयं सलिलात्सलोलमुत्तं सकार्थमिव पातु स वो वराह: ।।8।।

दैत्यास्थिपंजरविदारणलब्रन्ध्ररक्ताम्बुनिर्जरसरिद्घनजातपंका: ।

बालेन्दुकोटिकुटिला: शुकचञचुभासो रक्षन्तु सिंहवपुषो नखरा हरेर्व: ।।9।।

कनकनिषभासा सीतयाऽऽलिंगितांगो नवकुवलयदाम श्यामवर्णाभिराम: ।

अभिनव इव विद्युन्मंडितो मेघखण्ड: शमयतु मम तापं सर्वतो रामचन्द्र: ।।10।।

विहाय पीयूषरसं मुनीश्वरा ममांघ्रिराजीवरसं पिबन्ति किम् ।

इति स्वपादाम्बुजपानकौतुकी स गोपबाल: श्रियमातनोतु व: ।।11।।