Shri Mayureshwar Stotra, श्री मयूरेश्वर स्तोत्र

Shri Mayureshwar Stotra | श्री मयूरेश्वर स्तोत्र

Shri Mayureshwar Stotra (श्री मयूरेश्वर स्तोत्र): Shri Mayureshwar Stotra is in Sanskrit. Shri Mayureshwar Stotra is created by God Brahma. It is a praise of God Ganesh. Mayuresh is also a name of God Ganesh. Shri Mayureshwar Stotra if recited gives Bhukti and Mukti also. It destroys all the troubles/difficulties. It gives everything wished by the recite devotee. It removes mental as well as body ailments/diseases. It is a very pious and powerful God Shri Mayureshwar Stotra.

Ganapati God is the only capable God who destroys all obstacles, he is to prove all the tasks, if he is made an eyewitness in any worship or ritual, then the worship or ritual is successful.

Although Ganapati Maharaja has many different psalms, but the importance of the Peacock Shri Mayureshwar Stotra is paramount. This psalm is self-conscious and self-reliant in itself, so its text is about to give complete success.

In-house obstacles, prevention of children’s disease, happiness, peace, progress, progress, and regular education in each region are considered best.

The text of this psalm can be done by a man and a woman. Every day of our life, if you are from Guru Swaminarayan and Shri Mayureshwar Stotra, Ganapati Maharaja will not let any obstacles in life.

It is considered best for getting rid of all type of diseases and anxiety, for peaceful family life, for getting rid of child diseases, for complete peace and for complete success and progress in every field.

All seekers of the world have a right to say that in order to successfully complete each task, Ganapati meditation or worship is necessary first of all. Even in the Gods, it has accepted the worship of Ganapati first, not only this, but Lord Shiva also said that Ganapati Sadhana is the first thing necessary for the success of the work.

Shri Mayureshwar Stotra can be done by any person irrespective of their sex and age.

Lord Shiva’s son Ganesha is considered to be immediately effective. Its text is beneficial on any fourth, but by reading this on Angarak Chaturthi, the fruit increases its weight. Raja Indra was pleased by the sweetness of Ganesha from Mayuresh, he had overcome the obstacles.

Shri Mayureshwar Stotra Benefits:

  • Regular chanting of Shri Mayureshwar Stotra gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The person wants to start a project and wants a successful output must chant Shri Mayureshwar Stotra.
  • For further information please contact Astro Mantra.

श्री मयूरेश्वर स्तोत्र | Shri Mayureshwar Stotra

।। श्रीगणेशाय नम: ।।

परब्रह्मरूपं चिदानन्दरूपं परेशं सुरेशं गुणाब्धिं गुणेशम् ।

गुणातीतमीशं मयूरेशवन्द्यं गणेशं नता: स्मो नता: स्मो नता: स्म: ।।1।।

जगद्वन्द्यमेकं पराकारमेकं गुणानां परं कारणं निर्विकल्पम् ।

जगत्पालकं हारकं तारकं तं मयूरेशवन्द्यं नता: स्मो नता: स्म: ।।2।।

महादेवसूनुं महादैत्यनाशं महापूरुषं सर्वदा विघ्ननाशम् ।

सदा भक्तपोषं परं ज्ञानकोषं मयूरेशवन्द्यं नता: स्मो नता: स्म: ।।3।।

अनादिं गुणादिं सुरादिं शिवाया महातोषदं सर्वदा सर्ववन्द्यम ।

सुरार्यन्तकं भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं तं मयूरेशवन्द्यं नता: स्मो नता: स्म: ।।4।।

परं मायिनं मायिनामप्यगम्यं मुनिध्येयमाकाशकल्पं जनेशम् ।

असंख्यावतारं निजाज्ञाननाशं मयूरेशवन्द्यं नता: स्मो नता: स्म: ।।5।।

अनेकक्रियाकारकं श्रुत्यगम्यं त्रयीबोधितानेककर्मादिबीजम् ।

क्रियासिद्धिहेतुं सुरेन्द्रादिसेव्यं मयूरेशवन्द्यं नता: स्मो नता: स्म: ।।6।।

महाकालरूपं निमेषादिरूपं कलाकल्परूपं सदागम्यरूपम् ।

जनज्ञानहेतुं नृणां सिद्धिदं तं मयूरेशवन्द्यं नता: स्मो नता: स्म: ।।7।।

महेशादिदेवै: सदा ध्येयपादं सदा रक्षकं तत्पदानां हतारिम् ।

मुदा कामरूपं कृपावारिधिं तं मयूरेशवन्द्यं नता: स्मो नता: स्म: ।।8।।

सदा भक्तिं नाथे प्रणयपरमानन्दसुखदो यतस्त्वं लोकानां परमकरुणामाशु तनुषे ।

षडूर्मीनां वेगं सुरवर विनाशं नय विभो ततो भक्ति: श्रल्ग्या तव भजनतोऽनन्यसुखदा ।।9।।

किमस्माभि: स्तोत्रं सकलसुरतापालक विभो विधेयं विश्र्वात्मन्नगणितगुणानामधिपते ।

न संख्याता भूमिस्तव गुणगणानां त्रिभुवने न रूपाणं देव प्रकटय कृपा नोऽसुरहते ।।10।।

मयूरेशं नमस्कृत्य ततो देवोऽब्रविंच तान् ।

य इदं पठते स्तोत्रं स कामाँल्लभतेऽखिलान् ।।11।।

सर्वत्र जयमाप्रोति मानमायु: श्रियं परम् ।

पुत्रवान् धनसम्पन्नो वश्यतामखिलं नयेत् ।।12।।

सहस्त्रावर्तनात्काराग्रह्स्थं मोचयेज्जनम् ।

नियुतावर्तनान्मर्योऽसाध्यं यत्सायेत्क्षणात् ।।13।।