Shri Prapanna Gitam, श्री प्रपन्ना गीतम

Shri Prapanna Gitam | श्री प्रपन्ना गीतम

Shri Prapanna Gitam (श्री प्रपन्ना गीतम): Prapanna is a Sanskrit word that means complete surrender/dedication. Raamaanuja of the Vishisht Advaita School said that a person has to be just aprapanna, meaning completely surrendered to God. This is called ‘Prapatti’. If a person completely trusts God and surrenders himself in thought, word and deed, then he or she can attain the highest point “Vishnoh Paramam Padam”. Prapanna is mentioned many times in the Bhagavata Purana. A prapanna is expected to fulfil some or all of the five angas to attain prapatti. ‘Prapanna’ is the one who surrenders herself/himself to God and how she/he deals with life treading a path of purity.

The Shri Prapanna Gitam, also known as the Pandava Gita, is a beautiful compilation of quotes from many great personalities, from the puranic age, that glorify the Lord in an inimitable manner. This text is in the form of Prayers. Although small in size, since it has only 83 verses, each verse of the Shri Prapanna Gitam has a depth of devotion and total surrender which inspires a spiritual seeker to become immersed in the ocean of love for the Lord. The name Pandava Gita derives from the fact that these verses of prayers stem from the whole Pandava Clan; the five brothers and their relatives. It is known as the Shri Prapanna Gitam from the element of complete surrender at the feet of Lord.

Pandava Gita is a Collection of Various prayers offered by different devotees to the Supreme Lord (Narayan). It is also known as the Shri Prapanna Gitam. Shri Prapanna Gitam is referred to as the song of surrender. It is a collection of beautiful verses taken from different sources. This hymn described in the Gita was sung by the Pandavas as it was said to destroy all sins and grant liberation. Another beautiful feature of this work s that it glorifies the names of Prahlada, Narada, Parashara, Pundarika, Vyasadeva, Ambarisha, Sukhdeva, Shaunaka, Nhishma, Sage Dalbhya, Rajarshi Rukmangada, Arjuna, Vasistha, Vibhishana and many others praising their sincerity and devotion. This text even contains the prayers of Duryodhana, the eldest of the Kaurava brothers and the beauty of his love for God, in spite of his character flaws.

Shri Prapanna Gitam Benefits:

  • Since it is a complete devotion of the seeker, the lord becomes happy and blesses and provides boons.

Who has to recite this Gitam:

  • The person wants to have the blessings of the god must recite this Shri Prapanna Gitam regularly.
  • For the further knowledge please contact Astro Mantra.

श्री प्रपन्न गीतम् | Shri Prapanna Gitam

(पंचमस्वरमेकतालं भजनम्, विहागरागेण गीयते)

परमसखे श्रीकृष्ण भयंकरभवार्णवेऽव्यय विनिमग्नम् ।

मामुद्धर ते श्रीकरलालितचरणकमलपरिधौ लग्नम् ।। (ध्रुवपद्म)

गुणमृगतृष्णाचलितधियं विषयार्थसमुत्सुकदशकरणम् ।

परिभूतं दुर्मतिनरनिकरैर्मतिभ्रमार्जितगुणशरणम् ।।

सततं सभयमनो निवहन्तं षड्रिपुभिर्निखिलेडयगुरुम् ।

कालिन्दीह्रदयप्रियविष्णोश्चरणकमलरजसो विधुरम् ।।

मन: शोकमतिमोहक्षतयेऽभिकांक्षन्तमजमुखपदम् ।

मामुद्धर ते श्रीकरलालितचरणकमलपरिधौ लग्नम् ।।1।।

कालिन्दीरुक्मिणीराधिकासत्याजाम्बवतीसुह्रदम् ।

निजशरणागतभक्तजनेभ्य: कृपया गतभवभयवरदम् ।।

गोपीजनवल्लभरासेश्वरगोवर्धनधरमधुमथनम् ।

वन्देऽहं निखिलाधिपतिं त्वामतिशयसुंदरगुणभवनम् ।।

कृष्णलालजीद्विजाधिपं हे मनोऽनिशं त्वं भज यज्ञम् ।

मामुद्धर ते श्रीकरलालितचरणकमलपरिधौ लग्नम् ।।2।।