Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra | श्री शिवरामअष्टकम स्तोत्र
Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra (श्री शिवरामअष्टकम स्तोत्र): Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Regularly reciting these Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra 11 consecutive times, improves the wisdom of the person, increasing knowledge and getting excellent results in every exam.
The Alvars during the early medieval period of Tamil history (between the seventh and the tenth centuries CE) worshipped Vishnu and his avatars through their hymns. This collection of their hymns is known as Divya Prabhandham. Mangalasasanam means ‘singing praise of the holy shrines’. The Srivaishnava shrines that were sung about by the Alvars are called Divya Desams.
Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra is composed of verses taken mainly from the Rig-Veda. These verses are chanted as per the rules of intonation, especially those of the Samaveda. A Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra always precedes a Shastra. It may be in any one of the innumerable melodies, and Hymns are added at appropriate places.
The subject matter of these Shivramashtakam Stotra ranges from the sublime heights of philosophy or mystical experiences of Lord Shiva and Lord Ram, to the petitioning for the small comforts of life here and now.
People shed torrents of tears for their wife and children, for wealth or property, but who does so for the sake of God? If one weeps sincerely for Him, He surely manifests Himself. Hence reciting Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra will enhance the love to the God.
Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra Benefits:
- Description of the form of God or a deity seen in a vision
- Request for pardon of sins committed knowingly or unknowingly
- Prayer for the removal of problems and difficulties and request for the grant of the good things of life
- Desire for obtaining devotion, knowledge and detachment that help one in spiritual life
- Spontaneous outburst of emotion after deep spiritual experience and so on.
- He who reads Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra with concentrated devotion in the morning,
- Would attain all round victory and would attain Vishnu whom he worships.
Who has to recite this Stotra:
- The persons want to gain knowledge, success in life and likes to be under the shelter of the Lord must recite Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra as per the Vedic rules.
- For further details and system to perform please contact Astro Mantra.
श्री शिवरामाष्टक स्तोत्र | Shri Shivramashtakam Stotra
शिव हरे शिव राम सखे प्रभो त्रिविधतापनिवारण हे विभो ।
अज जनेश्वर यादव पाहि मां शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।1।।
कमललोचन राम दयानिधे हरगुरो गजररक्षक गोपते ।
शिवतनो भव शंकर पाहि मां शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।2।।
सुजनरञ्जन मंगलमन्दिरं भजति ते पुरुष: परमं पदम् ।
भवति तस्य सुखं परमद्भुतं शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।3।।
जय युधिष्ठिरवल्लभ भूपते जय जयार्जितपुण्यपयोनिधे ।
जय कृपामय कृष्ण नमोऽस्तु ते शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।4।।
भवविमोचन माधव मापते सुकविमानसहंस शिवारते ।
जनकजारत राघव रक्ष मां शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।5।।
अवनिमण्डलमंगल मापते जलदसुंदर राम रमापते ।
निगमकीर्तिगुणार्णव गोपते शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।6।।
पतितपावन नाममयी लता तवयशो विमलं परिगीयते ।
तदपि माधव मां किमुपेक्षसे शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।7।।
अमरतापरदेव रमापते विजयतस्तव नामधनोपमा ।
मयि कथं करुणार्णव जायते शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।8।।
हनुमत: प्रिय चापकर प्रभो सुरसरिद्धृतशेखर हे गुरो ।
मम विभो किमु विस्मरणं कृतं शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।9।।
अहरहर्जनरञ्जनसुन्दरं पठति य: शिवरामकृतं स्तवम् ।
विशति रामरमाचरणाम्बुजे शिव हरे विजयं कुरु मे वरम् ।।10।।
प्रातरुत्थाय यो भक्त्या पठेदेकाग्रमानस: ।
विजयो जायते तस्य विष्णुमाराध्यमाप्नुयात् ।।11।।