Shri Stotra, श्री स्तोत्र

Shri Stotra | श्री स्तोत्र

Shri Stotra (श्री स्तोत्र): The mention of Shri Stotra will be found in Shri Vishnu Purana and Agni Purana. It is said that Mahatma Pushkar has told Parashuram that Lord Indra could made to make abode of goddess Lakshmi in Indralok and took the bliss from her by reciting this Shri Stotra. Anyone who recites or listens to Shri Stotra is always receiving the blessings of Mother Shri Lakshmi ji and after receiving all the pleasures, finally salvation is attained.

Shri Narayan Stotra is a devoted text to Lord Hari Vishnu. Vishnu has a simple and popular name among his devotees, ‘Narayan’ and by joining this name, only Vishnu’s other names like Laxminarayan, Seshanarayan and Anantanarayana etc. came into being. According to Hindu theology, every man’s desire is completed by reciting the Shri Narayan Stotra regularly on a daily basis. This text is very dear to Vishnu and is a very simple lesson, which everyone can benefit from.

To achieve wealth, it is necessary to please Mother Lakshmi. Three such works have been reported by the scholars, who are Lakshmi by their inclusion in their daily routines. There is a mysterious power in God’s name. Man cannot live on bread only, but he can live with the help of the Lord. Mind is cleansed by celibacy. She is filled with auspicious and sacred ideas. Good rituals are empowered every day by making chanting. A person, who trains good thinking and holy thoughts, develops a tendency to auspicious in it. The continuation of good ideas transforms his character.

In Vedas and Puranas, Lord Vishnu has been called as the pursuit of the universe. The cycle of happiness and suffering associated with human life is in the hands of Shri Hari. The text of Vishnu Sahastranaam is very important in the worship of God.

Shri Stotra Benefits:

The Sri Suktam is a never failing mantra to invoke prosperity, goodness, health, wealth and well being of the person as well as the whole family itself. Benefits of Chanting Shri Suktam Path: The recitation of Sri Suktam satisfies the divine mother to the utmost level and she showers her blessings upon her children.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • The person wants to have a comfort in wealth must recite this Shri Stotra regularly according to Vedic rule.
  • For further details of Shri Stotra please contact Astro Mantra.

श्री स्तोत्र | Shri Stotra

पुष्कर उवाच 

राज्यलक्ष्मीस्थिरत्वाय यथेन्द्रेण पुरा श्रियः ।

स्तुतिः कृता तथा राजा जयार्थं स्तुतिमाचरेत् ॥१॥

इन्द्र उवाच 

नमस्ये सर्वलोकानां जननीमब्धिसम्भवां ।

श्रियमुन्निन्द्रपद्माक्षीं विष्णुवक्षःस्थलस्थितां ॥२॥

त्वं सिद्धिस्त्वं स्वधा स्वाहा सुधा त्वं लोकपावनि ।

सन्धया रात्रिः प्रभा भूतिर्म्मेधा श्रद्धा सरस्वती ॥३॥

यज्ञविद्या महाविद्या गुह्यविद्या च शोभने ।

आत्मविद्या च देवि त्वं विमुक्तिफलदायिनी ॥४॥

आन्वीक्षिकी त्रयी वार्त्ता दण्डनीतिस्त्वमेव च ।

सौम्या सौम्यैर्जगद्रूपैस्त्वयैतद्देवि पूरितं ॥५॥

का त्वन्या त्वामृते देवि सर्वयज्ञमयं वपुः ।

अध्यास्ते देव देवस्य योगिचिन्त्यं गदाभृतः ॥६॥

त्वया देवि परित्यक्तं सकलं भुवनत्रयं ।

विनष्टप्रायमभवत् त्वयेदानीं समेधितं ॥७॥

दाराः पुत्रास्तथागारं सुहृद्धान्यधनादिकं ।

भवत्येतन्महाभागे नित्यं त्वद्वीक्षणान् नृणां ॥८॥

शरीरारोग्यमैश्वर्यमरिपक्षक्षयः सुखं ।

देवि त्वद्दृष्टिदृष्टानां पुरुषाणां न दुर्ल्लभं ॥९॥

त्वमम्बा सर्वभूतानां देवदेवो हरिः पिता ।

त्वयैतद्विष्णुना चाम्ब जगद्व्याप्तं चराचरं ॥१०॥

मानं कोषं तथा कोष्ठं मा गृहं मा परिच्छदं ।

मा शरीरं कलत्रञ्च त्यजेथाः सर्व्वपावनि ॥११॥

मा पुत्रान्मासुहृद्वर्गान्मा पशून्मा विभूषणं ।

त्यजेथा मम देवस्य विष्णोर्वक्षःस्थलालये  ॥१२॥

सत्त्वेन सत्यशौचाभ्यां तथा शीलादिभिर्गुणैः ।

त्यजन्ते ते नरा सद्यः सन्त्यक्ता ये त्वयामले ॥१३॥

त्वयावलोकिताः सद्यः शीलाद्यैरखिलैर्गुणैः ।

कुलैश्वर्य्यैश्च युज्यन्ते पुरुषा निर्गुणा अपि ॥१४॥

स श्लाघ्यः स गुणी धन्यः स कुलीनः स बुद्धिमान् ।स शू

रः स च विक्रान्तो यस्त्वया देवि वीक्षितः ॥१५॥सद्यो वै

गुण्यमायान्ति शीलाद्याः सकला गुणाः ।

पराङ्मुखी जगद्धात्री यस्य त्वं विष्णुवल्लभे ॥१६॥

न ते वर्णयितुं शक्ता गुणान् जिह्वापि वेधसः ।

प्रसीद देवि पद्माक्षि नास्मांस्त्याक्षीः कदाचन ॥१७॥

॥ इत्यग्नेये महापुराणे श्रीस्तोत्रं नाम षट्त्रिंशदधिकद्विशततमो ऽध्यायः॥