Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam, श्री सूर्य मण्डल अष्टकम

Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam | श्री सूर्य मण्डल अष्टकम

Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam (श्री सूर्य मण्डल अष्टकम): Sun God is one of the main deities in Hinduism. Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam is written in Sanskrit language. The who recites the Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam regularly the blessings of Lord Sun God fall on them. By chanting Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam, the person gets the achievement of success, get relief from the negativity of thoughts, the disease, all the sins. And after the death of the person, the person goesto the abode of Sun god..

Surya Dev is one of the main deities of Hinduism. Surya Dev is considered the life giver and one who nourishes. Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam is from Aditya Hrudaya. Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam is hyme in praise of God Surya. It is said in the stotra that Surya mandal vanishes poverty and sorrow. Surya dev is the only Navgrah that is easily visible to the naked eye. Many scriptures uphold his importance as the chief among these nine planets. All life generates from the heat and light of the Sun. Without Surya, the entire universe would be covered in deep darkness and creation itself wouldn’t have any meaning.

According to Vedic texts, Suryadev is the God of light and wisdom. He is also considered to be a form of Vishnu and Shiva by Vaishnavites and Shaivites respectively. He is also one of the eight forms of Astamurti Shiva.Disease, weakness and negativity are cured by the divine light and heat of the Sun, which is always available to us. As a matter of fact, even civilizations before the Vedic age and in other parts of the world recognize the Sun’s importance, and offered ritualistic worship to it. Lord Rama, the 7th Avatar of Lord Vishnu, was a descendant of Surya dev and thus a king of the solar dynasty.

It is destroyer of diseases. It vanishes all the sins. Any devotee who recites this stotra daily would go to Surya Loka and all his sins are destroyed by the blessings of God Surya.

Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam Benefits:

  • Sun’s Mandala is the giver of illumination, is huge, is shining like precious jewels, is brilliant and is of the begining-less form. Who destroys poverty and grief, may that (or such) worship-worthy Savita (or sun) purify us.

Who has to recite this Ashtakam:

  • The persons under severe grief, poverty and lack intelligence must recite Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam regularly according to Vedic Rules.
  • For further details please contact Astro Mantra.

श्री सूर्य मण्डल अष्टकम् | Shri Surya Mandala Ashtakam

नम: सवित्रे जगदेकचक्षुषे जगत्प्रसूतीस्थितिनाशहेतवे ।

त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मधारिणे विरञ्चिनारायणशंकरात्मने ।।1।।

यन्मण्डलं दीप्तिकरं विशालं रत्नप्रभं तीव्रमनादिरूपम् ।

दारिद्र्यदुःखक्षयकारणं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।2।।

यंमण्डलं देवगणै: सुपूजितं विप्रै: स्तुतं भावनमुक्तिकोविदम् ।

तं देवदेवं प्रणमामि सूर्यं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।3।।

यन्मण्डलं ज्ञानघनं त्वगम्यं त्रैलोक्यपूज्यं त्रिगुणात्मरूपम् ।

समस्ततेजोमयदिव्यरूपं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।4।।

यन्मण्डलं गूढ़मतिप्रबोधं धर्मस्य वृद्धिं कुरुते जनानाम् ।

यत्सर्वपापक्षयकारणं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।5।।

यन्मण्डलं व्याधिविनाशदक्षं यदृग्यजु:सामसु संप्रगीतम् ।

प्रकाशितं येन च भूर्भुव: स्व: पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।6।।

यन्मण्डलं वेदविदो वदन्ति गायन्ति यच्चारणसिद्धसंघा: ।

यद्योगिनो योगजुषां च संघा: पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।7।।

यन्मण्डलं सर्वजनेषु पूजितं ज्योतिश्च कुर्यादिह मर्त्यलोके ।

यत्कालकल्पक्षयकारणं च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।8।।

यन्मण्डलं विश्वसृजां प्रसिद्धमुत्पत्तिरक्षाप्रलयप्रगल्भम् ।

यस्मिञ्जगत्संहरतेऽखिलञ्च पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।9।।

यन्मण्डलं सर्वगतस्य विष्णोरात्मा परं धाम विशुद्धतत्त्वम् ।

सूक्ष्मान्तरैर्योगपथानुगम्यं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।10।।

यन्मण्डलं वेदविदो वदन्ति गायन्ति यच्चारणसिद्धसंघा: ।

यन्मण्डलं वेदविद: स्मरन्ति पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।11।।

यन्मण्डलं वेदविदोपगीतं यद्योगिनां योगपथानुगम्यम् ।

तत्सर्ववेदं प्रणमामि सूर्यं पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।।12।।

मण्डलाष्टतयं पुण्यं य: पठेत्सततं नर: ।

सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा सूर्यलोके महीयते ।।13।।