Siddh Parad Benefits, Parad Bead

Siddh Parad Benefits | सिद्ध पारद

Siddh Parad Benefits/Parad Bead (सिद्ध पाराद): Parad is the combination of Mercury and Silver. Mercury is the only metal, which is found in liquid form, silver is used to solidify the Mercury. It is the most auspicious metal used for worship of God. Yogis of high calibre with their spiritual powers heat mercury to its boiling point at 321 degree Celsius, mix silver in it and then solidify it in the form of Parad (Siddh Parad Benefits). It is 16 times heavier then iron and if it is kept in ice, it absorbs ice in ratio of its weight. It is considered very rare divine pure and valuable. Mercury is believed to be originated from the sperms of Lord Shiva Puja and worship of Shivling or idols products made of Parad destroys the sins. (Parad Bead)

Parad Shivling, Beads, Idols of Ganesha, idol of Lakshmi are considered very sacred and is believed to give 100 times more benefit than the puja of any other metal idol. It is mentioned in ancient Vedas like Parad Samhita, Shiv Purana that there is nothing pure and auspicious than Parad (Siddh Parad Benefits) religiously as well as medicinally. (Parad Bead)

It is also very useful in controlling various diseases like High Blood Pressure, Asthma and increase the Sex Power. It has special significance in Ayurveda too. It benefits have be proved beneficial from Astrological as well as Scientific. Worship of Parad idols destroys sins (Parad Bead)

and Virtues arises whereby one is enabled to be free from sorrows, strives, diseases and calamities. Dedicated worship takes one toward divinity and spirituality. It removes Sins of previous births. It is said in Brahma Purana that he who worships Mercury Shivling devotedly, whether one is male or female,  Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas or Shudras get full worldly pleasures, and at last attains supreme destination (salvation). During life-span they get glory, honour, high office, name and fame, sons, grandsons and learning.

According to Shastra, Parad Shivling gives the effect of visiting Kedarnath, Badrinath and all other shrines. It is said in Shiv Purana that those who keep this energized Shivling, Lord Shiva, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber resides permanently in their house. One should light a lamp before the energized Shivling every morning and think of the wish he wants to fulfil and believe it, Lord Shiva would fulfil all your dreams.

Mercury is an element of the earth’s crust. It cannot be created or destroyed. Pure mercury is a liquid metal, sometimes referred to as quicksilver that volatizes readily. The Brahma Purana states that worshiping Parad (Siddh Parad Benefits)  idols brings blessings from the Supreme Absolute and devotees attain final liberation. The Rig Veda has 117 shlokas about Soma, which comprises of Rhodium, Iridium and Mercury.

According to Vedic mythology, all the yogis and truth-seekers travel to a mysterious region called “Siddhashrama” situated in the Himalayas. Meditating in the chilled climes of the Himalayas, the yogis there take an elixir of mercury to increase the intensity of their meditation while at the same time minimizing the number of breaths they inhale. However, Parad in its raw form is deadly as a poison. Through their mystic powers, the yogis create Gaurichintamani, which is a potable form of Parad (Siddh Parad Benefits) and consume it.

How to Use (Siddh Parad Benefits)?

The solid Mercury ball or balls shall be threaded and worn around the neck in the form of a locket to get protection from evil spirits. Every house should have a solid Mercury deity to keep away the evil eye.

Mercury “Amrit Cup” and beads can be used to treat several diseases. When consumed in the pure form, it makes the human body powerful, agile and lustrous.

Solid Mercury ball should be dipped four times in 200 ml of raw milk and taken before sleep at night. In order to get rid of all diseases, the aforesaid milk should be continuously taken for a minimum of 41 days and maximum three months without a break.

In case of body ache, the mercury ball should be worn on the body so that it touches the affected body part. It should be worn until the pain is completely cured. The mercury ball can also be dipped in pure Ghee or oil for 24 hours and then it should be massaged on the aching body part. The Ghee or oil must be cool.

For digestive problems, constipation, gas in the stomach and headache, the Mercury ball should be worn around the naval for 15-20 minutes daily for recovery.

Siddh Parad Benefits:

Mercury has significant usage in Ayurveda and is called a flowing metalloid (fluid metal). It is used in the treatment of ailments such as asthma, sexual problems and blood pressures. Parad (Siddh Parad Benefits) solidified in form of beads can be used in the treatment of diabetes, blood pressure and heart diseases. The bead or rosary of Parad(Siddh Parad Benefits) beads should be worn around the neck or waist.

Parad has several medicinal properties. Having milk in a Parad vessel acts a cleansing agent that purifies the body. Also Parad as mentioned in the scriptures is used to boost physical strength and reduce ailments such as diabetes and asthma.

The other supreme benefits of Parad (Siddh Parad Benefits) include nullification of Vastu defects, protection against black magic, increased sexual power, self-confidence and harmony in relationships.

Shivling (Siddh Parad Benefits):

A Parad Shivling when installed at home or temple purifies the atmosphere, connects the devotees to Lord Shiva and brings in good health and blessings to the worshippers. The Vedas have extolled the virtues of Parad Shivalingam as below:

“लिग कोटि सहस्रस्य यत्फ़लं सम्यगरचनात,त्फ़ल कोटिगुणित रसलिंगा अरचनाद भवेत् 

ब्रह्मत्या सहस्राणि गोहत्या शताणिचह , त्शन्नदविल्यम यान्ति रसलिंगस्य दर्शनात, स्पर्शनाप्राप्यते मुक्तिरिति सत्यम शिवयोदितं”

Ling Koti Sahasrasya Yatfalam Samyagarchanaat,Tatfal Kotigunnit Raslinga Archanaad Bhavet,

Brahma-hatyaa Sahasraanni Gohatyaa Shataanichah,Tatshannaadwilayam Yaanti Raslingasya Darshanaat,,Sparshnaapraapyate Muktiriti Satyam Shivoditam.

Worshiping a Parad Shivling” is equal to worshiping a thousand Shivling. Mere taking a sight of a Parad Shivling nullifies the sins of killing a thousand Brahmins and cows. Touching a Parad Shivling certainly rids the worshiper of all the miseries of material nature and awakens their latent spiritual nature(Siddh Parad Benefits). These are the worlds of Lord Shiva. Those desiring to achieve higher goals in life and quickly to be done with the past karmas must have a Parad Shivling.

Rudra Samhita (शिव पुराण):

The secret to Sadhak Ravana’s rise to fame was Parad Shivling. He was also an expert in this science and was called a Ras Siddh Yogi. He not only acquired astounding powers through this science but also converted his capital Lanka into a city of gold. He in his secret dark chamber used to offer the results of austerities to Shiva through the worship of Parad Shivling. Not only Ravana, even Banasur and other ruling dynasties secretly worshipped Parad Shivling.

Nagarjuna: The Father of India’s Ancient Science of Metals

Much is talked about Parad and other metals across the world. The chemistry of these metals is mentioned in the Rasashastra India’s ancient science of using the fundamental essences of various substances (metals) for healing and spiritual growth. It was Nagarjun, a philosopher, metallurgist and saint (10th century) who extensively studied Mercury and its secret powers. Although Rasashastra was a branch of Ayurveda, it received recognition due to his efforts. Fundamentally Rasashastra mentions purification, transmutation and potentiation of various metals, gemstones and herb essences. It is a highly superior and sacred art.

Preparation of Parad: Purifying process of Parad

A Siddh Parad is prepared through the secret Vedic rituals and several samskara processes passed on from generations of Vidyas and Siddha. In accordance with the scriptures such as Ayurveda science, only Parad is an element that can remain mixed with other elements without actually losing its own identity. Naturally occurring mercury is a poison but after treating it to various processes like Swedan, Mardan, Murcchhan, Utthapan, and Patan etc. it can be cleansed of all toxic properties. Such purified Parad becomes an equivalent of a life-giving potion.

In its original state, Parad has certain impurities listed below:

  • Nag (lead)
  • Vang (Tin)
  • Guru (overly heaviness)
  • Bhushail (water impurities),
  • Bhumij (stone, mud, gravel)
  • Girij(minerals)
  • Chapal (instability)
  • Mala (endogenous, exogenous waste)
  • Agni (intolerance to heat)
  • Vish (poison)

As per Ayurvedic science Parad(Siddh Parad Benefits) is the only element that can remain mixed with other elements without losing its own identity. At Rudra Centre, we follow the Vedic codes of purification and process the mercury in order to purify it. As per Rasashastra (A Vedic treatise on chemicals), purified Parad (Siddh Parad Benefits) has a blue touch internally and dazzling whiteness externally. The samskara done on Parad involve churning it with Neem leaves, turmeric, lemon and 24 different exotic herbs.

Benefits of using Purified Parad Items:

In the view of Yogi Govind Padacharya who trained Adi Shukracharya

  • Parad is the only source of totality, healthy physique and extremely long life.
  • Parad is the chief of all metals used in the preparations of gold.
  • It protects from enemies and removes all fears
  • It gives Chitta Suddhi and thus is good for Sadhana (Meditation)

“विधाय रस लिन्ग: यो भक्ति युक्त स्रमर्चण्येत,जगत्रितय लिंगनं पुजा फलमानवापुण्यात”

“Vidhaay Ras Linga Yo Bhakti Yukta Samarchanyet, Jagattritay Lingaanaam Pooja Phalmanvaapnuyaat”

The offering, worshipping, contemplating, holding and consuming of Parad rid you of all the sins.