Stutiya | स्तुतियां
Stutiya/Praise (स्तुतियां): A mantra may or may not have syntactic structure or literal meaning (Stutiya). Shlokas are Sanskrit verses that are written following certain Chhandah (Poetic Meter). Aushtubh Chhandah is the most commonly used Chhandah. Stuti-The word is derived from the syllable ‘Stu’ which means ‘To Praise’. A commendatory oration or writing especially in honor of one deceased the delivered the eulogy at his funeral high praises. Its a type of pray or recitation praising god or deceased. A mantra may or may not have syntactic structure or literal meaning.
S: Meaning of S in the name Stuti(Stutiya) means: You enjoy open-mindedness. Talent is great, but do not overrate. Pursue greatest talent and luck is at your side. Gifted, you bring gaiety into lives of others. Enchanting personality, help others toward prosperity as well as yourself.
T: Meanings of T in the name Stuti(Stutiya) means: You like hanging out with friends when you have time. Your enjoy the company of others in social gatherings. Great imagination your finest talent. use appropriately to enjoy riches and honor.
U: The Meaning of U in the name Stuti(Stutiya) means: You work harder to excel in your field and challenges(Stutiya). Take great pride in achievements, which are noteworthy. Family and home are pride and joy, give them attention. Boasting about success ends in disappointment. Avoid vulgarity, it has no place in your life. Lack of respect may hamper.
I: Meanings of I in the name Stuti(Stutiya) means: You could be temperamental sometimes(Stutiya). Efforts rewarded by beautiful family life. Opposite sex can be a nuisance. Talent in your greatest love and inspiration. Inconstancy causes great anguish. Empathy and human understanding bring rewards. Cleverness may interfere with physical desires. Follow your ideals.