Varahi Nigraha Ashtakam | वाराही निग्रह अष्टकम्
Varahi Nigraha Ashtakam (वाराही निग्रह अष्टकम्): Vairahi is one of the seven mothers who helped Goddess in their fight against Shubha, Nishumbha and their forces. The human body has been described with eight arms, pig head and three eyes.
It is easy to please the Gods and Goddesses whose appearance is a mix of human and animal like Varaha, Narasimha, Pratyingara, Varahi etc. Varahi is the fourth of the seven Matrikas. She is the power of Lord Varaha, the boar avatar of Lord Vishnu. She is the commander in chief of Devi Lalitha and is also known as Varthali, Dandanatha, Vajra mukhi, Dhanya Lakshmi, Maha Lakshmi, Bhoo sakthi, Krodha mukhi, Swapneshi, Maha karnika, Dhoomra roopi, and Sena nayaki. She was mentioned in almost all traditions- in Tantra (she herself has a separate tantra called Varahi tantra.
Vedas, Sri Vidya, Vaishnavism, Buddhism etc. Like how almost all ancient cultures and traditions worshipped snake gods/goddesses, varahi is equally famous.
Varahi occupies a special place in matrikas as she removes the addictions and impurities of her devotees and uplifts the good qualities in them (like how Vishnu in his varaha incarnation using his tusks lifted the earth or the wild boar just by smelling searches roots (or potatoes which are inside of the ground) and lifts them to ground from using its tusks). Varahi Nigraha Ashtakam is famous for this. Varahi has a face of a boar, blue complexion and sits in veer asana. She is described as having four hands, eight hands or eighteen hands usually. In her four hands, she carries a hala or plough, musala or pestle in two hands and the other two hands showing Abhaya mudra and Vara mudra.
Varahi is similar to Bagalamukhi among Dasamahavidyas and Ajna Chakra in the human body.
She is the ruler of the South direction, associates with death and her vahana (vehicle) is a He-buffalo.
Varaha Nigraha Ashtakam Benefits:
- The recitation of Varahi Nigraha Ashtakam enhances the mental strength in human beings and removes all the malefic effects.
Who has to recite this Ashtakam:
- The persons suffering from malefic effects of planets and lost hope for progress must recite Varahi Nigraha Ashtakam regularly as per the Vedic rules.
- For further details please contact Astro Mantra.
वाराही निग्रह अष्टकम् | Varahi Nigraha Ashtakam
श्रीगणेशाय नमः
देवि क्रोडमुखि त्वदंघ्रिकमल-द्वन्द्वानुरक्तात्मने
मह्यं द्रुह्यति यो महेशि मनसा कायेन वाचा नरः ।
तस्याशु त्वदयोग्रनिष्ठुरहला-घात-प्रभूत-व्यथा-
पर्यस्यन्मनसो भवन्तु वपुषः प्राणाः प्रयाणोन्मुखाः ॥ १॥
देवि त्वत्पदपद्मभक्तिविभव-प्रक्षीणदुष्कर्मणि
प्रादुर्भूतनृशंसभावमलिनां वृत्तिं विधत्ते मयि ।
यो देही भुवने तदीयहृदयान्निर्गत्वरैर्लोहितैः
सद्यः पूरयसे कराब्ज-चषकं वांछाफलैर्मामपि ॥ २॥
हालापान-मदाट्टहास-निनदाटोप-प्रतापोत्कटम् ।
मातर्मत्परिपन्थिनामपहृतैः प्राणैस्त्वदंघ्रिद्वयं
ध्यानोद्दामरवैर्भवोदयवशात्सन्तर्पयामि क्षणात् ॥ ३॥
श्यामां तामरसाननांघ्रिनयनां सोमार्धचूडां
जगत्त्राण-व्यग्र-हलायुधाग्रमुसलां सन्त्रासमुद्रावतीम् ।
ये त्वां रक्तकपालिनीं हरवरारोहे वराहाननां
भावैः सन्दधते कथं क्षणमपि प्राणन्ति तेषां द्विषः ॥ ४॥
विश्वाधीश्वरवल्लभे विजयसे या त्वं नियन्त्र्यात्मिका
भूतान्ता पुरुषायुषावधिकरी पाकप्रदा कर्मणाम् ।
त्वां याचे भवतीं किमप्यवितथं यो मद्विरोधी
जनस्तस्यायुर्मम वांछितावधि भवेन्मातस्तवैवाज्ञया ॥ ५॥
मातः सम्यगुपासितुं जडमतिस्त्वां नैव शक्नोम्यहं
यद्यप्यन्वित-दैशिकांघ्रिकमलानुक्रोशपात्रस्य मे ।
जन्तुः कश्चन चिन्तयत्यकुशलं यस्तस्य तद्वैशसं
भूयाद्देवि विरोधिनो मम च ते श्रेयः पदासङ्गिनः ॥ ६॥
वाराहि व्यथमान-मानसगलत्सौख्यं तदाशाबलिं
सीदन्तं यमपाकृताध्यवसितं प्राप्ताखिलोत्पादितम् ।
क्रन्दद्बन्धुजनैः कलङ्किततुलं कण्ठव्रणोद्यत्कृमि
पश्यामि प्रतिपक्षमाशु पतितं भ्रान्तं लुठन्तं मुहुः ॥ ७॥
वाराहि त्वमशेषजन्तुषु पुनः प्राणात्मिका स्पन्दसे
शक्ति व्याप्त-चराचरा खलु यतस्त्वामेतदभ्यर्थये ।
त्वत्पादाम्बुजसङ्गिनो मम सकृत्पापं चिकीर्षन्ति ये
तेषां मा कुरु शङ्करप्रियतमे देहान्तरावस्थितिम् ॥ ८॥
॥ इति श्रीवाराहीनिग्रहाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥