Vastu Chakra Science | वास्तु चक्र विज्ञान
Vastu Chakra Science/वास्तु चक्र विज्ञान: These Vastu Chakra Science have been adapted from Vedic vastu and have been modified to suit the contemporary needs of today’s buildings. That is why even architects and interior designers are learning and adopting principles of Vastu Chakra Science.
Each of the 16 Vastu Chakra Science Zones has its own attributes and effects. Each Zone is governed by its specific element. These Zone powers may be overactive or inactive, primarily because of the imbalance of Five Elements, thus adversely affecting the lives of the people occupying that building. With the help of appropriate colours, metals, shapes, symbols and various other techniques of Vastu Chakra Science, these Zones can be balanced and programmed to generate the desired results in life.
Furthermore the kind of objects placed in a Zone affects your corresponding emotion. Documented research in Vastu Chakra Science shows if you have a bedroom in the Zone of Anxiety (East-South-East), you will never feel relaxed in it; rather you will have frequent disagreements with your spouse. Similarly, your children get naturally inclined towards their studies and do well academically if their study table is placed in the Zone of Education (West-South-West). Likewise, if a toilet is there in the Zone of Gains (West), you do not get the expected results. Let us now take a look at these Zones and their influence on your life.
North East (NE):
It is the science of balancing universal energies and maximizing their benefits in a Home or Workplace by enhancing the Chakras and Elements of Vastu Purusha. It’s a simple yet powerful system of reaping maximum benefit by managing energies and influences of the Five Elements, Planets, Chakras, Geometries, Directions and other tools. The entire universe is made up of Paanchbhootas or the five elements – Ether (Akash), Air (Vayu), Fire (Agni), Water (Jal) and Earth (Prithvi). These elements and their energies reside both inside and outside of human beings and human dwellings too.
The ancient science of Vastu Chakra Science, which is derived from Vedas, states the presence of the Vastu Purusha, the God of structures and construction in every human dwelling. The Vastu Purusha lies with his head towards the Northeast and his feet towards the Southwest with various Deities mounted on Him, becoming the presiding Deities of respective directions. Different energies corresponding to different elements and Chakras of the Vastu Purusha reside in different directions and thus at various locations in a human dwelling.
Energies of various Chakras, Elements and Planets reside in different directions in a dwelling. To gain maximum benefits and get optimal results from these energies each corner and area is advised to be used for a particular activity. For instance, the Sahasrara Chakra of the Vastu Purusha is in Northeast direction. Energy of ether element is also present in this direction. Thus Northeast direction is most suitable to direction for mediation purposes and to build a Puja room. Similarly it’s best to have kitchen in the direction where the fire element resides in the dwelling.
If your home or office isn’t designed accordingly then to make your dwelling Chakra Vastu complaint and to reap maximum benefits from universal energies, Chakra Vastu has devised kits using different energy products and elements to balance particular energies and to reap maximum benefits from them.
The Energies that Correspond to Various Elements and Chakras :
- Air – Desires – Anahata Chakra
- Ether – Sound – Vishuddha Chakra
- Earth – Stability and Strength – Mooladhara Chakra
- Fire – Name and Fame – Manipura Chakra/Hrit Padma Chakra
- Space – Mind and Consciousness – Ajna and Sahasrara Chakra
- Water – Relationships and Identity – Swadhisthana Chakra
Vastu Chakra Science works on the principle of maximizing various energies and designing your home or work place in accordance to these energies. For instance, the Northeast direction is where the Sahasrara Chakra of the Vastu Purusha resides along with the energy of the Ether element. Thus, for best results the Northeast direction is where it’s best to build a Puja room. Different Chakras and the five elements are related to different Deities, Colours, Metals, Gemstones, Sacred symbols, Rudraksha beads and more.
Directions & their use at any Premise in Vastu Chakra Science:
Directions play an important role in Vastu Chakra Science for home. Let’s take a look at the significance of different directions in Vastu Chakra. (वास्तु चक्र विज्ञान)
East: The East side is known as the fulfiller of prayers and desires(Vastu Chakra Science/वास्तु चक्र विज्ञान). It is from this side that manifestation is going to happen in your dwelling. Also, the East is where the sun rises indicating life and health. This area may be utilized for living room, study room, meditation purposes, Puja room and entrance. The element present here is Fire.
North: The element present in the North side is Ether. This is the area for expression, creativity and communication. It’s best to have study room, living room, board room and staff cabins here.
Northeast: Northeast side is ruled by the presence of God consciousness(Vastu Chakra Science). Therefore, this is one of the most important directions in Vastu Chakra and should be kept empty and clean. It is best to have a house or office facing this direction. This area may be utilized for meditation purposes and a Puja room may be built here. The Element present here is Space.
Northwest: The Northwest direction is for air/wind. This is the most central of all elements and connects one to energy of all rooms. This is the area of maximum movements also. Here desires are fulfilled and it is best to have sales and marketing department, meeting room, living room and dining room. वास्तु चक्र विज्ञान
South: The South is the area that provides energy and stability to the dwelling. It is ideally utilized for bedroom, director’s cabin and store room. The element present here is Earth.
Southeast: The Southeast direction is ruled by fire; hence, it has an abundance of energy in it(Vastu Chakra Science). This is the area from where Pran (energy) is distributed to the rest of the dwelling. Ideally, it may be utilized for kitchen, board room, sales and marketing department and conference room.
Southwest: The Southwest direction is the area that provides energy, career success, wealth and stability to the dwelling. It is ideally utilized for bedroom and director’s cabin. The element present here is Earth. वास्तु चक्र विज्ञान
West: The God of Oceans, Lord Varun, rules the west direction according to Vastu(Vastu Chakra Science). This west direction is best for creative pursuits. Children study room and designing rooms are best placed here. The element present here is Water.
Utilizing the Elements:
As we have understood the significance of each of the Vastu directions, now let’s understand how to utilize the energies of each direction in the right manner.
In the Southwest direction, balance the Earth element by putting plants. Plants have the capability to absorb all kinds of negative elements and thus help in cleaning the environment. Other than plants, another important way of balancing the Southwest side is by placing heavy usable storage items. The owner/director needs to reside here to build a supportive and energetic environment.
In the Northeast direction, place Puja altar or divine symbols. Keep it open so that the rest of the dwelling is energized by the divine energies emanating from this area.
In the Southeast direction balance the fire element by lighting oil lamp and using sufficient lighting. Place pyramids here to enhance the fire energy. Fire element of this region helps to provide health and power to the residents.
In the Northwest direction, balance the air element by simply opening the windows for some time in the morning. Let there be the circulation of fresh air. You will find relationships improving when the air element is balanced. Place conches, shells and Shaligram here for enhancing desire fulfilment properties of the air element.
In the west direction, balance the water element by keeping a fountain or flowers floating on water. Salt lamps work well in this area. Spray this area with bright orange colour and let creativity bloom here.
East is the most sacred direction. Place Yantras facing west here to provide divine vibrations of health, wealth and protection to the dwelling.
These ancient Vastu Chakra Science, often discuss and describe the principles of Hindu temple design, but do not limit themselves to the design of a Hindu temple. They describe the temple as a holistic part of its community, and lay out various principles and a diversity of alternate designs for home, village and city layout along with the temple, gardens, water bodies and nature.