Vasudevkrit Krishna Stotra, वासुदेवकृतं कृष्ण स्तोत्र

Vasudevkrit Krishna Stotra | वासुदेवकृतं कृष्ण स्तोत्र

Vasudevkrit Krishna Stotra (वासुदेवकृतं कृष्ण स्तोत्र): We celebrate God Shri Krishna Birthday on Shravan Krishna Ashtami every year. This year we are celebrating it on Thursday, 9th August 2012. We also call the day as Janmashtami or Gokul Ashtami. Many people keep fast on this day. Then next day they eat their normal food. This is called as parane or Gopal-Kala. Vasudev and Devaki were father and mother of God Shri Krishna. In earlier Births Vasudev was Kashyap Rishi and Devaki was Aditi. God had blessed them and assured them that he would take birth in their house and they would be his father and mother.

To fulfil their wish God Shri Krishna appeared in front of them in his divine form. Then Vasudev praised God Shri Krishna in the Stotra created by him and asked him to take a form of child and let them enjoy all the activities of child. God Shri Krishna then took the form of a child in the lap of Devaki. Vasudev Said that the god is everywhere, he is very big as well as very small, nobody can see him, he is Nirguna and Saguna both and having many virtues, he is present in every form of life and present since ancient times, there is no start or no end for him.

Lord Shiva who is having five mouths is unable to praise him, describe him. Skanda having six faces is also unable to praise you. Shesha Nag could not praise you. Goddess Saraswati was also not able to praise you. The Master of all Masters and all Yogis, God Ganesh also unable to describe your virtues or can praise you. Creator of Vedas; God Brahma was also unable to praise you. Shruties can’t praise you with proper words. As such how can Rishis, Gods, and Learned people can praise you?

Finally Vasudev is asking God Shri Krishna to leave his divine form and take a form of child. The person who recites this Vasudevkrit Krishna Stotra three times (Sandhya Times) in a day becomes free from all troubles in his life. Receives blessing by God Shri Krishna in the form of a son who becomes devotee of God Shri Krishna.

Vasudevkrit Krishna Stotra Benefits:

Reciting this Vasudevkrit Krishna Stotra will fetch blessings from lord Vishnu which will make the life happy and prosperous.

Who has to recite this Stotra:

  • Those who are not successful in their life in spite of their best efforts, must chant this Vasudevkrit Krishna Stotra as per the Vedic system.
  • For further knowledge and Vasudevkrit Krishna Stotra details please contact Astro Mantra.

वासुदेवकृतं कृष्ण स्तोत्र | Vasudevkrit Krishna Stotra

श्री गणेशाय नमः ।

वसुदेव उवाच —

त्वामतीन्द्रियमव्यक्तमक्षरं निर्गुणं विभुम् ।

ध्यानासाध्यं च सर्वेषां परमात्मानमीश्वरम् ॥ १॥

स्वेच्छामयं सर्वरूपं स्वेच्छारूपधरं परम् ।

निर्लिप्तं परमं ब्रह्म बीजरूपं सनातनम् ॥ २॥

स्थूलात्स्थूलतरं प्राप्तमतिसूक्ष्ममदर्शनम् ।

स्थितं सर्वशरीरेषु साक्षिरूपमदृश्यकम् ॥ ३॥

शरीरवन्तं सगुणमशरीरं गुणोत्करं ।

प्रकृतिं प्रकृतीशं च प्राकृतं प्रकृतेः परम् ॥ ४॥

सर्वेशं सर्वरूपं च सर्वान्तकरमव्ययम् ।

सर्वाधारं निराधारं निर्व्यूहं स्तौमि किं विभुम् ॥ ५॥

अनन्तः स्तवनेऽशक्तोऽशक्ता देवी सरस्वती ।

यं वा स्तोतुमशक्तश्च पञ्चवक्त्रः षडाननः ॥ ६॥

चतुर्मुखो वेदकर्ता यं स्तोतुमक्षमः सदा ।

गणेशो न समर्थश्च योगीन्द्राणां गुरोर्गुरुः ॥ ७॥

ऋषयो देवताश्चैव मुनीन्द्रमनुमानवाः ।

स्वप्ने तेषामदृश्यं च त्वामेवं किं स्तुवन्ति ते ॥ ८॥

श्रुतयः स्तवनेऽशक्ताः किं स्तुवन्ति विपश्चितः ।

विहायैवं शरीरं च बालो भवितुमर्हसि ॥ ९॥

वसुदेवकृतं स्तोत्रं त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नरः ।

भक्तिं दास्यमवाप्नोति श्रीकृष्णचरणाम्बुजे ॥ १०॥

विशिष्टं पुत्रं लभते हरिदासं गुणान्वितम् ।

सङ्कटं निस्तरेत्तूर्णं शत्रुभीतेः प्रमुच्यते ॥ ११॥

॥ इति श्री ब्रह्मवैवर्तमहापुराणे वसुदेवकृतं

श्रीकृष्णस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥