Veerbhadra Chalisa, वीरभद्र चालीसा

Veerbhadra Chalisa | वीरभद्र चालीसा

Veerbhadra Chalisa (वीरभद्र चालीसा): According to Hindu Mythology chanting of Veerbhadra Chalisa regularly is the most powerful way to please God Veerbhadra and get his blessing. How to chant Veerbhadra Chalisa To get the best result you should do recitation of Veerbhadra Chalisa early morning after taking bath and in front of God Veerbhadra Idol or picture. You should first understand the Veerbhadra Chalisa meaning in Hindi to maximize its effect. Benefits of Veerbhadra Chalisa Regular recitation of Veerbhadra Chalisa gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.

According to Hindu Mythology chanting of Veerbhadra Chalisa regularly is the most powerful way to please God Veerbhadra and get his blessings.

As mentioned in Vedas and Puranas, Veerabhadra is believed to be the vigorous fighter and frightening form of Lord Shiva. Including Nandi, Bhringi, and Chandesvara, Veerabhadra is also the Prathamagana of Lord Shiva

The word Veerabhadra is derived from two Sanskrit words: ‘Veera’ meaning hero and ‘Bhadra’ meaning friend. In tamasic or catastrophic form, he carries four different kinds of weapons in his eight hands: Bana (arrow), Khadga (sword), Dhanusha (bow), and Khetaka (shield) along with attires garland of skulls.

Veerbhadra is an extremely fierce and fearsome form of the Hindu god Shiva. He was created by the wrath of Shiva and destroyed the Yagna (fire sacrifice) of Daksha, after Daksha’s daughter and Shiva’s consort Sati self-immolated in the sacrificial fire. He is described as a warrior who eventually blinded Bhaga, subdued Indra and broke, among many other countless gods, Pushan’s teeth. Other gods fled the battlefield unable to sustain his power.

To get the best result you should do recitation of Veerbhadra Chalisa early morning after taking bath and in front of God Veerbhadra Idol or picture. You should first understand the Veerbhadra Chalisa meaning in Hindi to maximize its effect.

Veerbhadra Chalisa Benefits:

  • Regular recitation of Veerbhadra Chalisa gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.
  • Veerbhadra Chalisa gives relief from fear of enemy, and gives mental strength and positivity in human being.

Who has to recite this Chalisa:

  • The person who are surrounded by the evil effects from enemies, or the friends turned foe should recite this Veerbhadra Chalisa.
  • For the rules and systems contact Astro Mantra.

वीरभद्र चालीसा | Veerbhadra Chalisa

वन्दोच  वीरभद्र शरणों शीश नवाओ भ्रात।

ऊठकर  ब्रह्ममुहुर्त  शुभ कर लो  प्रभात॥

ज्ञानहीन तनु जान के भजहौंह शिव कुमार।

ज्ञान ध्यातन देही मोही देहु भक्तिु सुकुमार॥

जयजयशिवनन्दानजयजगवन्दमन। जय-जय  शिव  पार्वतीनन्दजन॥

जय पार्वती प्राण  दुलारे।  जय-जय  भक्त   नके  दु:ख टारे॥

कमल   सदृश्यव नयन विशाला।  स्वर्ण मुकुट रूद्राक्षमाला॥

ताम्र  तन  सुन्दार  मुख सोहे। सुरनरमुनि  मनछविलय  मोहे॥

मस्तरकतिलक  वसन  सुनवाले। आओ वीरभद्र कफली  वाले॥

करिभक्तनन  सँग  हास विलासा। पूरन  करि  सबकी अभिलासा॥

लखिशक्ति की महिमा भारी। ऐसे वीरभद्र हितकारी॥

ज्ञान  ध्यादन से दर्शन दीजै। बोलो  शिव वीरभद्र की जै॥

नाथ  अनाथो  के  वीरभद्रा।  डूबत भँवर बचावत  शुद्रा॥

वीरभद्र  मम  कुमति निवारो। क्षमहु   करो अपराध  हमारो ॥

वीरभद्र  जब  नाम कहावै। आठों   सिद्घि   दौडती  आवै॥

जय वीरभद्र  तप बल सागर। जय   गणनाथत्रिलोग   उजागर॥

शिवदूत  महावीर  समाना।  हनुमत   समबल    बुद्घिधामा॥

दक्षप्रजापति  यज्ञ  की ठानी। सदाशिव  बिनसफलयज्ञ  जानी॥

सति  निवेदन  शिवआज्ञा दीन्ही। यज्ञ   सभासति प्रस्थाआनकीन्हीा ॥

सबहु देवन  भाग  यज्ञ राखा। सदाशिव  करि  दियो अनदेखा॥

शिव  के  भागयज्ञ  नहींराख्यौश।  तत्क्ष ण   सती सशरीर  त्या॥गो॥

शिव का  क्रोध च रम उपजायो।  जटा  केश   धरा   पर  मार्‌यो॥

तत्क्ष ण टँकार   उठी    दिशाएँ वीरभद्र   रूप    रौद्र    दिखाएँ॥

कृष्ण् वर्ण  निज तन  फैलाए।  सदाशिव सँग   त्रिलोक हर्षाए॥

व्योमसमान  निजरूपधरलिन्हो। शत्रुपक्ष परदऊचरण धर लिन्हो॥॥

रणक्षेत्र  में ध्वँलस मचायो।  आज्ञा  शिव  की   पाने आयो॥

सिंह  समान  गर्जना  भारी।  त्रिमस्त क सहस्र  भुजधारी॥

महाकाली  प्रकट   हु   आई। भ्राता वीरभद्र की नाई॥

आज्ञा  ले  सदाशिव  की  चलहुँ ओर ।

वीरभद्र अरू कालिका टूट पडे चहुओर॥

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