What is Numerology, अंक शास्त्र

What is Numerology | अंक शास्त्र

What is Numerology (अंक शास्त्र): Astronomy is concerned with the observation of the motions of heavenly bodies, and reduces to mathematical order these observations. Astrology is the study of the effects the movements of these celestial bodies have on human affairs. Through prolonged observation, the ancient astronomers were able to predict the recurrence of cosmic phenomena, and astrologers began to forecast the earthly events which coincided with these.

Mathematicians tell us that numbers are the language of the universe. Numerologists go so far as to say that the numbers in his life can define who he is and what he does. With a few simple calculations, one can find the five core numbers that offer insight into his own life

Numerology is the science of numbers. Numerology studies the hidden meaning of numbers and how they affect the personality of people. Numerology identifies a variety of numbers based on inputs. Some of these numbers are Life Path Number, Bio Rhythm, Soul Number, Destiny Number, Inner dream number, Lucky number etc. All these numbers, some way or the other, influence a person’s behaviour.

Numerology is the universal language of numbers, and each of us was born with a set of numbers unique to us. These numbers unlock the door to the depths of our personality and reveal the way we interact with others, lessons we’ve yet to learn, opportunities we’ll be given and challenges we’ll face at specific periods of our lives — or throughout life as a whole.

Numbers are a universal means of understanding and communication. And while languages vary from culture to culture, the meaning of words and the way they are spelled is no accident. In Numerology, each letter is associated with a number, and each number carries its own distinct personality. Therefore, the numbers associated with any word can convey deep messages — without actually speaking at all.

On one hand, numbers are free of subjective realities, such as emotions and personal preferences. In their purest sense, numbers possess objectivity, which is why they are the language of science. They are the most reliable means of communicating abstract ideas, and of quantifying physical realities. On the other hand, numbers can be used to reveal the ‘soul’ of words. Words evolve with an underlying feeling for the objects they describe.

Each word has a specific definition, as well as a connecting emotional and spiritual feeling. Numerology can be used to reveal that underlying feeling.”

Numerology is the branch of astrology that is concerned with the mysterious study of numbers. It is the investigation of numbers as images. Some imperative numbers identified with you delineate your identity, passionate wellbeing, your response in specific circumstances, and how you interface with other individuals around you.

Numerology(अंक शास्त्र) expert think about these particular numbers and attempt to discover answers for your issues.

With the assistance of best you can comprehend your past and future, and win over your impediments. You can likewise utilize these numbers to comprehend other individuals throughout your life.

We provide the best numerology services with numerology expert who have a lot of experience in reading numbers. This is not a mystic art but involves accurate calculations and interpretations related to these calculations are followed by correct predictions of the future.