Yamuna Ashtakam, यमुना अष्टकम

Yamuna Ashtakam | यमुना अष्टकम

Yamuna Ashtakam (यमुना अष्टकम): Yamuna Ashtakam is a 9 versed Sanskrit poem by Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya. His collective work in poetry is known as Shodash Granth. His followers are known as Pushtimargi Vaishnava. Reading the Yamuna Ashtakam and praying to Yamuna Maharani helps in winning over personal weaknesses, suggests, the 16th century Bhakti saint, Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya.

The Yamuna river is not only the river but also the symbol of faith and belief like the Ganges river in our country, it is called the Jivadayini River in our India year, so it is very necessary to keep the water of the river Yamuna pure and uninterrupted; It is necessary to know that due to its legendary, spiritual, social and economic significance of the river Yamuna, the Indian government as well as the saints, society and society Not the important role.

In Yamuna Ashtakam first eight Shlokas, Shri Mahaprabhuji describes Shri Yamunaji’s eight fold powers, its divine & wonderful idol and her divine qualities. Shri Yamuna is the daughter of divine Sun. Her purpose for coming to earth from heaven through Kalind Mountain is to bless her devotees. Her physical state as a river is also very attractive and charming. She is so kind that even she blessed evil spirited people. Shri Yamuna blessed her devotees with eight fold powers. If some evil person, drinks water from Yamuna river to quench thirst, she blessed that person also. So, if we pray her with knowledge and understanding, we should not be surprised if she blessed us also. One of the example from Shri Mahaprabhuju’s 84 Vaishnava, is of Kishoribai. Kishoribai was chanting only two lines from Yamuna Ashtakam with full faith. Shri Yamuna blessed Kishoribai with all divine fruits.

Shri Mahaprabhuji describes that how Shri Yamuna can bless her devotees to increase their love towards Shri Mukund Prabhu. Also, Shri Mahaprabhuji describes the physical existence of Yamuna as river. It flows enthusiastically from the top of Kalind Mountain. The water appears to be as milk because of the force and twirls. It seems like Shri Yamuna is very eager to go in Vraj and meet Shri Krishna. It also gives impression as Shri Yamuna is swinging in best king of jhula. Shri Yamuna is a daughter of Sun and victories.

Yamuna Ashtakam Benefits:

  • Yamuna, Daughter of the sun, those who joyfully recite this eight-fold praise have all of their impurities removed and love Krishna, the Giver of liberation. Through him all devotional powers are attained and Shri Krishna is pleased. He transforms the nature of bhaktas.

Who has to recite this Ashtakam:

  • The persons who wants to have liberation  must recite Yamuna Ashtakam regularly.
  • For further knowledge please contact Astro Mantra.

यमुना अष्टकम | Yamuna Ashtakam


तृणीकृतत्रिविष्टपा त्रिलोकशोकहारिणी।


धुनोतु मे मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥1॥


भृशं प्रपातकप्रवञ्चनातिपण्डितानिशम्।

सुनन्दनन्दनाङ्गसङ्गरागरञ्जिता हिता

धुनोतु मे मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥2॥



तटान्तवासदासहंससंसृता हि कामदा

धुनोतु मे मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥3॥


गता गिरामगोचरे यदीयनीरचारुता।


धुनोतु मे मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥4॥

तरङ्गसङ्गसैकताञ्चितान्तरा सदासिता


भवार्चनाय चारुणाम्बुनाधुना विशारदा

धुनोतु मे मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥5॥




धुनोतु मे मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥6॥




धुनोतु मे मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥7॥

सदैव नन्दनन्दकेलिशालिकुञ्जमञ्जुला


जलावगाहिनां नृणां भवाब्धिसिन्धुपारदा

धुनोतु मे मनोमलं कलिन्दनन्दिनी सदा॥8॥

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