Palmistry Prayog Book/पामिस्ट्री प्रयोग पुस्तक
Palmistry Prayog (पामिस्ट्री प्रयोग पुस्तक) is an important book, the Palmistry Prayog Book is not easily available, this book is written by Dayanand Verma Ji. This book is published by Diamond Books, Delhi, it has 103 pages.
Palmistry Prayog Book Content list:
According to the content list of the book, the contents are duly expressed in a simple language for the convenience of the readers. The matters are mentioned here under. Basic knowledge of palmistry, some other rules of hand seeing, general introduction of palmistry, wealth, property, business, answers to employment related questions, answers to questions related to love, marriage, divorce and married life, health, disease, age, children and Answers to family questions, remedies for future improvement, prevention of inauspiciousness by gems and metals, which are important aspects of the Palmistry Prayog Book.
Palmistry Prayog Book Benefits:
- From this Book, you will get basic knowledge of Palmistry.
- The Palmistry Ke Anubhut Prayog can understand the importance of palmistry from the book.
- By using this Book, you can know the events in your future.
Palmistry Prayog Book Description:
Palmistry is a form of divination that uses the lines in a person’s palms to get details about the individual’s life and personality. Palm reading was widely used throughout the empires and nations of that region, and the east. It was used in Egypt, Babylon, India, Tibet, China, Sumer, Persia and more.- Palmistry Prayog Pushtak.
Palmistry, also called chiromancy or chirosophy, reading of character and divination of the future by interpretation of lines and undulations on the palm of the hand. The origins of palmistry are uncertain. It may have begun in ancient India and spread from there. It was probably from their original Indian home that the traditional fortune-telling of the Roma (Gypsies) was derived. The chiromantic art has been known in China, Tibet, Persia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt, and it underwent significant development in ancient Greece. Medieval palmistry was pressed into service by the witch-hunters, who interpreted pigmentation spots as signs of a pact with the Devil. After a period of disrepute, palmistry flourished again in the Renaissance. In the 17th century, attempts were made to develop empirical and rational foundations for its basic principles.- Palmistry Prayog Pushtak.
Palmistry Prayog Book (3 Set) Details:
Book Publisher: Diamond Books
Book Author: Dayanand Sharma
Language: Hindi
Parts of Books: 1, 2, 3 Parts
Weight: 448 gm Approx.
Pages: 238 Pages
Size: “22” x “14” x “2” cm
Edition: 2015
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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