Brown Seashell/Brown Puja Seashell (ब्राउन सीषेल): According to the Vedic scriptures, the Shankh is one of the most auspicious objects to emerge from the sea during the Ksheera Sagara Samudra Manthan. Therefore, he is the brother of Goddess Lakshmi, the ruler of wealth. Shankh is one of the nine auspicious objects and Navanidhi of Kuber is the Lord of Wealth. Blowing the Shankh has an auspicious sound at the beginning or end of any ceremony. Conch is a common name used for a number of different medium to large shells. Conch pearls come in a range of shades, including white, brown, and orange, with many local shades.
The Brown Seashell has a creamy exterior and has a covering with brownish periostracum. The conch is sought after for its food and shell. In the smallest length scale, the shell has the composition of tiny crystals of calcium carbonate. That is in the so-called orthorhombic polymorphic form of aragonite. Each individual crystal is only 60 to 130 nanometers thick and about 100 to 380 nanometers in diameter, although they can be several micrometers long. The Brown Seashell represents order, rational thought, and civilization.
The conch is simply a shell at its discovery, but when Ralph and Piggy discover how loud it is when blown, it takes on its first symbolic meaning; one can use it to summon other boys and summon a group. The Brown Puja Seashell has a special meaning in Feng Shui and increases luck in travel as well as strengthens a long-distance relationship. According to Feng Shui, seashells provide stress relief and offer a protective shield. Queen conch refers to both a large marine mollusk and its shell. Queen clams are soft body animals belonging to the same taxonomic group (mollusks) as clams, oysters, squid, and octopus.
Brown Seashell Benefits:
Brown Puja Seashell justification for cleaning the surrounding area.
This brown shell contains water elements and develops the life-giving properties of water in the wearer.
The Brown Puja Shell acts as a symbol of a particular universal form along with the natural universe. Moreover, it triggers the wearer’s memory of innate health and happiness.
Brown Seashell Details:
Weight: 0.015 kg Approx.
Size: 3x3x3 Inch
Quantity: 1 Piece
Color: Brown
Energized: Lakshmi Beej Mantra
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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